

A cholesteatoma is a skin cyst behind your eardrum. It is not cancerous but requires early treatment to prevent severe conditions like permanent 听力损失感染、眩晕或神经损伤. The condition affects children 和 adults 和 usually occurs in only one ear but can involve both.


You may not have symptoms at first, but they can develop as the cyst grows. Ear drainage or 听力损失 that do not get better with medical treatment are often the first signs.

As the growth gets bigger, it may become infected or grow into the bone around the ear. These complications can cause a number of symptoms:

  • 味觉改变
  • 头晕
  • 单耳听力丧失
  • Increased drainage that can look like pus or blood
  • 炎症
  • 面部的弱点
  • 耳朵疼痛、有压力或有充盈感
  • 耳鸣(耳鸣)


耳朵放电 associated with a cholesteatoma varies. It may be bloody, white or yellow, pus-like, or have a foul odor.


A cholesteatoma may cause headaches in advanced cases, but it’s not a common symptom. 


A problem with your Eustachian tube is the primary cause of cholesteatoma. Your eustachian tube connects your middle ear to your nasal-sinus cavity (hollow cavities behind your eyes, 鼻子, 和 cheeks) 和 helps to balance the pressure in your ear.

如果你的耳朵压力变得不平衡, the eardrum can “retract” 和 create a pocket that traps dead skin cells. Over time, the dead cells form a cyst that exp和s to cause damage. 

Some babies are born with cholesteatomas, but it’s rare.


A cholesteatoma will continue to grow 和 harm other tissue close to your ear. 如果不治疗, the cyst poses serious health problems like meningitis, 大脑感染, 还有面瘫.

Our multidisciplinary team offers the best chance of preserving your hearing 和 avoiding regrowth. At U of U Health, you have access to an expert team:

  • Neurotologists who operate on the inner ear, skull base, 和 nerves that connect the brain 和 ears
  • Expert hearing care professionals, including 语言病理学家听力学家,负责评估和管理你的 听力损失
  • An academic medical center that offers clinical trials 和 conducts leading research



Doctors may suspect you have a cholesteatoma if you have the following symptoms:

  • 耳朵放电
  • 渐进性听力丧失
  • A history of ear infections 和 fluid build-up in the ear

Your provider will look in your ear 和 see the cyst or signs of a chronic infection. To confirm the diagnosis or rule out other reasons for your symptoms, your provider may recommend a 计算机断层扫描. You will also have a hearing test to assess the extent of your 听力损失.


Surgery is the only way to remove a cholesteatoma. 然而, you may also need to take antibiotics to treat any infection. Surgery aims to remove the cholesteatoma, reconstruct the eardrum, 和 address your hearing. Your surgeon may perform any of the following procedures during the same surgery.

  • A 乳突切开术 allows your surgeon access to the middle ear 和 mastoid to remove the cyst.
  • A 鼓室成形术 fixes damage to your eardrum 和 bones of hearing. Surgeons may use tissues from other parts of your ear to close holes in the eardrum.
  • An ossiculoplasty replaces bones eroded by the cholesteatoma with a prosthesis (artificial body part).


在手术过程中你会睡着. Your surgeon will first make a cut in the crease behind your ear. Then they will use a microscope to examine your eardrum 和 middle ear. Your surgeon will proceed to remove the cholesteatoma, 重建耳朵和听力机制, 然后缝合切口.


大多数手术需要三到四个小时. 然而, the procedure could take longer if the cholesteatoma has damaged your bones or surrounding tissues.

After 胆脂瘤手术: What to Expect

Most people go home on the same day as their surgery. When you leave the hospital, you’ll have cotton or gauze in your ear canal. Your surgeon will tell you when to take it out. You may feel dizzy for a few days, 和 your ear may feel stuffy or blocked. These side effects will improve as your ear heals.

You’ll also need to avoid some activities for a few weeks:

  • 空中旅行
  • 剧烈的活动
  • 游泳或者弄湿耳朵

Your surgeon will provide complete instructions for aftercare.


External scarring from this surgery is minimal. Your ear 和 hair will cover most of the scar, making it virtually undetectable.


手术后的恢复大约需要一个星期. 恢复后, your care team will check your hearing to measure any improvement or determine if you need additional treatment.

It’s important to keep follow-up appointments with your provider after you’ve completely healed since cholesteatomas can regrow years following surgery.


胆脂瘤有5-10%的几率会长回来. In these cases, a second surgery is necessary to remove the cyst 和 prevent it from happening again.


An otolaryngologist or ENT is a doctor who cares for your ears, 鼻子, 和 throat. These doctors assess 和 diag鼻子 cholesteatomas. 然而, only a neurotologist has specialized training to perform these delicate cholesteatoma surgeries. If you have been diag鼻子d with a cholesteatoma or have symptoms that don’t go away, 向神经科医生寻求专业护理.


If you've been recently diag鼻子d with a cholesteatoma, your primary care provider or other specialist will need to refer you to one of our ENT providers for further evaluation 和 testing.

To make an appointment, please call 801-587-8368 or 请求预约. 使用大发娱乐的 表格,把病人转介到大发娱乐的耳鼻喉科.