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What Are Nasal Tumors?

A nasal tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue in the nose. Most nasal tumors are non-cancerous. 鼻肿瘤很罕见,通常发生在40多岁或以上的人群中.

At University of Utah Health, our fellowship-trained rhinologists 耳鼻喉科的专家是否接受过鼻腔和鼻窦方面的高级培训. They provide expert care, 包括广泛的评估和个性化的治疗计划,根据患者的确切鼻肿瘤类型. This is essential to achieve the best possible outcome.

As an academic medical center, uu of U Health大发娱乐提供针对鼻腔肿瘤的临床研究试验. 参与这些研究的患者可以大发娱乐研究人员为患有这些疾病的人探索新的治疗选择.

Types of Nasal Tumors

Most nasal tumors are not cancerous. Some of the more common non-cancerous nasal tumors include:

  • inverted papilloma and
  • juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma.

Some of the more common cancerous nasal tumors include:

  • 感觉神经母细胞瘤(有时称为嗅觉神经母细胞瘤),
  • squamous cell carcinoma, and
  • adenocarcinoma.

These tumors can occur in the nose or the sinuses, 位于颅骨上连接鼻腔的中空空间. 发生在鼻子周围鼻窦的肿瘤被称为鼻旁肿瘤.

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Nasal Tumor Causes

当异常细胞生长和繁殖失控时,肿瘤就形成了. 专家们不知道为什么有些人会患鼻肿瘤,而有些人不会. Some risk factors include:

  • smoking and being around other people who smoke;
  • long-term exposure to chemicals and irritants at work, such as wood dust, fumes from glue, and formaldehyde; and
  • 感染人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV),一种常见的性传播疾病.

Nasal Tumor Symptoms

Common symptoms for people with a nasal tumor include:

  • 用鼻子呼吸困难(尤其是单侧呼吸);
  • double vision;
  • 面部疼痛、压迫或肿胀(尤其是单侧);
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • loss of sense of smell;
  • a runny nose; and

如果这些症状持续存在,最好去看专科医生,比如鼻科医生. 你不需要医生转诊去看U of U Health的鼻科医生.

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

鼻肿瘤可以引起与许多其他鼻窦疾病相同的症状. 你第一次预约的目标是让医生建立一个准确的诊断和制定个性化的治疗计划.

During this appointment the doctor will:

  • 和你谈谈你的症状以及你经历这些症状的时间;
  • examine your head, neck, and the inside of your nose; and
  • perform a nasal endoscopy (this involves using a thin, 装有小型照相机和灯的硬管,可以观察鼻子和鼻窦通道的内部情况。.

Treatment Plans for Nasal Tumors

鼻科医生会在你第一次预约时和你讨论初步治疗计划. 然后,他或她将与放射科的同事讨论您的护理, pathology, medical oncology, or radiation oncology, if appropriate. This can help develop an optimal treatment plan for you.


  • 对肿瘤进行活检,以便在实验室进行检测(活检可能在诊所或手术室进行,具体取决于肿瘤的位置);
  • 成像测试,如计算机断层扫描(CT)或磁共振成像(MRI);
  • 与其他可能参与您治疗的肿瘤专家的门诊预约, such as neurosurgeons, oncologists, and radiation oncologists.

鼻科医生会告诉你你的活检和成像结果,以及针对你的特定肿瘤的治疗建议. 这种讨论可以在电话中进行,也可以在后续预约中进行.

Nasal Tumor Surgery


If the tumor is cancerous, you may receive care from other cancer specialists as well, such as oncologists or radiation oncologists. 你的治疗计划将包括手术和可能的放射治疗, either by themselves or with chemotherapy. 鼻科医生将与其他癌症专家合作,为你的肿瘤类型选择最佳的治疗方案, location, and extent of growth.

Endoscopic surgery to remove nasal tumors

大多数切除鼻肿瘤的手术都可以通过微创方法完成. During this surgery, 外科医生将使用插入你鼻子的内窥镜进入你的鼻腔. 内窥镜手术不需要外部切口或移除任何颅骨. Patients usually heal faster, experience less pain, 而且比那些做开放手术的人更快出院.

Open surgery to remove nasal tumors

如果肿瘤很大或已经长到你的大脑或眼睛组织, the rhinologist may decide to do an open surgery. This can involve making incisions alongside the nose, under the lip, 或者在眼睛附近接近肿瘤并尽可能多地切除肿瘤.

In some cases, the open surgery involves a craniotomy, 这是一种脑部手术,暂时切除部分颅骨,这样外科医生就可以进入肿瘤了.

During these complex surgeries, 这位鼻科医生将与犹他大学健康中心的其他类型的外科医生合作, such as a neurosurgeon who specializes in skull base surgeries. 外科团队甚至可能同时进行内窥镜和开放手术. 这种类型的护理只有在U的U健康高度专业化的团队大发娱乐提供.

根据你的手术有多复杂,你可能可以在当天就回家. Some people will need to stay at the hospital for a few nights, including spending some time in the intensive care unit (ICU). 你的护理团队会让你知道会发生什么以及如何准备.

术后一周左右,你会和你的鼻科医生有一个后续预约. 医生会用内窥镜检查你的鼻窦,确保一切都恢复得很好. 在接下来的几周内,你可能就能恢复正常的活动了.

Follow-Up Treatment for People with Cancer

If your nasal tumor is cancerous, 你会跟鼻科医生和癌症小组的成员跟进. 这些专家将共同努力,确保你得到协调一致的护理. 在你完成了最初的治疗手术,可能还有放疗和化疗之后, you’ll have more tests to see if treatment was successful. 在接下来的五年左右的时间里,你将进行随访,以确保肿瘤没有复发.

Non-cancerous nasal tumors can grow back, too. 鼻科医生会告诉你接下来几年的随访和影像学检查, just to be safe.

Making an Appointment with a Rhinologist

推荐是受欢迎的,但不是必要的,当预约与一个鼻科医生在U的U健康. To make an appointment, call 801-587-8368 or use our online form. Our team will verify your insurance coverage before your visit. If you have had medical tests related to your condition, we will request the results from your provider. 大发娱乐的目标是使您的访问尽可能高效和有用.