

鼻窦专家是一个 耳鼻喉科(耳鼻喉科) 在鼻子和鼻窦疾病方面具有专业知识的大发娱乐提供者. 你的 sinuses are the air-filled spaces in your forehead, cheeks, and nose. 

窦 specialists can see if sinus problems are at the root of your symptoms. They can treat these sinus problems and increase your quality of life.  



  • 用鼻子呼吸困难

  • 鼻子里的粘液或分泌物 

  • 面部压力、疼痛或充盈 

  • 你嗅觉的变化

  • 频繁的鼻窦感染(每年超过三次)

Many of these symptoms overlap with other conditions that aren’t related to your sinuses. These unrelated conditions include migraines, jaw grinding, or nerve problems. That’s why it’s important to see a specialist if your symptoms don’t improve after several weeks of treatment. 你可能有不同的潜在问题. 


A male doctor uses a tool to examine a female patient's sinuses

你的 初级保健大发娱乐提供者 能治疗轻度、短期的鼻窦问题吗. 例如, you should see your 初级保健大发娱乐提供者 first to get treatment for a sinus infection or ongoing 鼻塞. 你的 初级保健大发娱乐提供者 can also treat conditions that mimic sinus issues, such as 过敏 or 头痛

There are some situations when it’s best to see an ENT who specializes in sinus problems: 

  • 你的鼻窦症状已经持续了12周或更长时间. 

  • You get sinus symptoms more than several times per year.  


你可以访问 紧急护理 鼻窦感染治疗中心. Use 紧急护理 when your 初级保健大发娱乐提供者 isn’t available. Urgent care providers can treat sinus issues like your 初级保健大发娱乐提供者 would. 

You should go to the emergency room if you experience any rare, severe sinus symptoms: 

  • 严重的头痛

  • 眼睛或面部明显肿胀

  • 视力变化,包括模糊或重影

  • 高烧

  • 脖子僵硬

  • 对光的敏感度

  • 行为上的改变,如突然的困惑 

Most viral sinus infections will start to improve within 10 days of illness. If your symptoms don't improve after a week, you may have an infection. You may need to visit the 紧急护理 to get antibiotic treatment for an infection.



鼻窦问题最常见的原因是 鼻窦炎也叫鼻窦炎. 窦itis occurs when the lining in your sinuses gets inflamed. 鼻窦炎主要有三种类型: 

  • 急性鼻窦炎 持续约1-4周. 急性鼻窦炎 usually develops when a cold or another infection turns into a sinus infection. 大多数病毒性鼻窦感染在10天内就会好转. But you may have a bacterial sinus infection if your symptoms don't improve after a week. You may need antibiotics to treat your bacterial sinus infection.

  • 慢性鼻窦炎 持续12周或更长时间. 它可能会引起鼻塞, 鼻阻塞, 鼻涕, 你嗅觉的变化, 有时面部压力或疼痛.

  • 复发性急性鼻窦炎 is when you have flares of acute 鼻窦炎 four or more times a year.  


What to Expect at 你的 First Appointment With a 窦 Specialist

你的 sinus specialist will gather a full health history at your first visit. 他们会问你的症状. They will also ask if you’ve tried any treatments and whether they worked. 

You will fill out a questionnaire asking about your quality of life. This helps us understand how disruptive your symptoms are. You will take this questionnaire at specific times throughout treatment. 这有助于大发娱乐评估治疗的效果. 

你的 sinus specialist will examine your ears, nose, and throat. 他们也可以进行鼻内窥镜检查. In this test, they insert a small instrument through your nostril and into your sinuses. This allows your sinus specialist to examine your sinuses clearly. 他们会检查炎症、肿胀或疤痕. 

You may get some follow-up tests, depending on your exam findings: 

  • 过敏测试 to identify or rule out certain 过敏 that could cause sinus symptoms. 

  • 血液测试 检查发现或排除不寻常类型的炎症. 

  • CT扫描 为了清晰地看到你的鼻窦. 

你的 sinus specialist will diagnose a condition based on the exam and test results. They will talk with you about all the ways to treat your condition. 


Usually, the goal of sinus treatment is to reduce inflammation in your sinuses. 专家使用两种主要的治疗方法: 

  • 盐水冲洗你每天用盐水冲洗鼻腔. 你可以使用球茎注射器, 塑料挤瓶, or device called a neti pot to flush salt water through your nose. We recommend you distill or boil and cool about 8 ounces of salt water. Then, use about 4 ounces of the water to rinse each nostril. 这种治疗方法安全有效.

  • 类固醇喷雾剂你把类固醇喷雾剂喷到鼻子里面. Applying steroids to your nasal lining is different from taking them by mouth. It causes fewer side effects, so it’s safe to use them long-term. 

你的 sinus specialist may recommend other treatments if these two options don’t manage your symptoms: 

  • 抗生素: You may take these medicines to treat a bacterial sinus infection. 

  • 鼻窦手术: Surgery can treat sinus conditions when medicine doesn't work. 鼻窦手术打开你的鼻窦. 当你的鼻窦更开放时,药物效果更好.


Our sinus specialists are board-certified ear, nose, and throat providers. They have additional fellowship training in nasal and sinus conditions. Our team includes experts who are recognized around the world. 

大发娱乐的大发娱乐提供者都是 斯宾塞·福克斯·埃克尔斯医学院 犹他大学的教授. 大发娱乐培训下一代医疗服务大发娱乐提供者. This role requires our providers to be at the cutting edge of treatment, research, and innovation.

We pride ourselves on compassionate, patient-centered care. We understand how overwhelming and disruptive chronic sinus problems can be. Our entire team of doctors, nurses, medical assistants, and office staff support you. We work hard to help you get timely, expert treatment to enjoy a higher quality of life. 


请致电801-587-8368或 请求预约 在线. 你不需要推荐来安排预约. Our team will help you verify your insurance coverage before your visit.
