


电话: 801 - 585面(3223)
传真: 801-585-2500
五官科: 801 - 587 uent
电子邮件: facialnerve@hsc.犹他州.edu

Facial nerve disorders can significantly impact your quality of life, 影响你说话的方式, 吃, 喝, 表达情感.A facial nerve disorder results from damage to the nerves controlling your facial movements. 这种情况导致 面瘫 or weakness, leaving you unable to move a portion of your face. 在面部神经中枢, our multidisciplinary experts can restore movement and help you regain your ability to communicate and interact with others.

Why Choose University of Utah Health?

Our experts offer multidisciplinary treatment for people with facial nerve disorders. These treatments can help address 面瘫, 面部“联带运动”, and possible root causes of the paralysis like trauma or tumors.

Our team includes experts in highly specialized areas:

Working together, we identify and treat the many potential causes of facial nerve disorders.


Two facial nerves (one on either side of the face) control the muscles used for facial expression, as well as aspects of eye tearing, 唾液分泌, 和味道. 如果他们受伤了, you may have trouble moving your face, including moving your eyelids or eyebrows, 嘴唇, 鼻孔, 或脸颊.

Bell’s palsy is the most common cause of facial nerve problems. The condition usually begins suddenly and affects one side of your face. Doctors think a virus causes the facial nerves to swell, which leads to symptoms of Bell’s palsy. Most people recover from Bell’s palsy, but it may take months to regain normal facial movement. Up to 30 percent of patients may have lasting malfunction of some facial muscles.

A variety of other medical conditions can affect the facial nerves and cause paralysis:

  • 癌症
  • 慢性耳部疾病
  • 先天性异常
  • 面神经肿瘤
  • 头部外伤
  • Infections or metabolic disorders
  • Lyme disease or viral infections
  • Melkersson-Rosenthal综合症
  • Noncancerous tumors called neuromas
  • 腮腺肿瘤
  • 拉姆齐·亨特综合症
  • 颅底肿瘤
  • 中风
  • 手术
  • “联带运动”

Find a Facial Nerve Disorder Specialist


Symptoms vary based on what has damaged the facial nerves and how long the problem has existed. For many people, symptoms occur on only one side of the face:

  • Weakness or drooping in the face
  • 下垂的眼睛或眉毛
  • 无法闭上眼睛
  • 无法微笑
  • 不自主的面部动作
  • 面部痉挛或抽搐
  • 倒塌的鼻孔
  • 口味的变化
  • 增加对声音的敏感度
  • 你眼中的泪水

If you experience these symptoms, seek medical attention within 72 hours. 面瘫 也会在中风时发生吗. If you’re having 面瘫 and 中风的其他迹象, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room right away.

Facial Nerve Disorder Tr吃ment

Your care team will recommend treatment based on how long you’ve had 面瘫 and the cause.

  • 药物-病人 with Bell’s palsy may take steroid medications to reduce swelling in the facial nerves. Evidence suggests taking these medications as soon as symptoms begin may help you recover faster.  
  • 物理治疗,Facial neuromuscular retraining (physical therapy for your face) helps you relearn to move your facial muscles.
  • 阻断神经元,Neuromodulators like Botox®, Dysport®, or Xeomin® can stop muscles that move involuntarily.


手术 may be an option if you have permanent 面瘫 or lasting asymmetry in how your face moves. Surgeons can use many methods to restore nerve function and muscle movement in your face:

  • Grafting nerves from elsewhere in your face, neck, or body to help a damaged nerve regain function
  • Cutting nerves that misfire (neurectomy)
  • Transferring nerves and muscle from the leg to restore function in the face
  • Using eyelid weights and tightening the eyelid to allow your eyes to close completely
  • Cutting muscles that aren't moving appropriately

What to Expect During Your First Appointment

在你第一次来访时, your surgeon will discuss your condition, 它如何影响你的生活, and what you hope to achieve through treatment. We will conduct a physical exam and assess how your face moves. We will also take videos and pictures of your facial movements to track your progress throughout evaluation and treatment.

Depending on your treatment needs, your doctor may refer you to another specialist or rehabilitation professional.


Our specialists offer multiple ways to address facial nerve disorder symptoms. You don’t need a referral from your primary care doctor to see us, but your insurance provider may require you to have one to provide coverage. Ask your insurance provider about your policy’s requirements.

To make an appointment, please call 801-585-3223 or 网上预约. To refer a patient, please use our 网上转介表格 or call 801-587-8368 to speak to a patient referral specialist.
