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Prediabetes is a health condition where the sugar (a.k.a. 你血液中的葡萄糖含量高于正常范围, yet not high enough that you’re diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 近8400万美国人有过这种经历 Prediabetes这几乎是三分之一的成年人. 以下资源包括 信息的视频, 施舍, 本地程序, will help you learn more about Prediabetes and healthy changes you can make to improve your lifestyle.


This video provides a helpful introduction to Prediabetes, 为什么它很重要, 以及这对你意味着什么. Prediabetes is a health condition where the glucose in your blood is above the normal range, but not so high that you're diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Understanding Prediabetes is an important first step on your path to create a healthier lifestyle and reverse or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

1.2: What Is Diabetes and What Are the Risk Factors?

In part 2 of the 关于Prediabetes的事实 video series, you will learn what diabetes is and how it affects glucose absorption in your body. You'll also learn about certain risk factors (including age, 家族病史, activity, 或饮食), steps you can take to lower your overall blood sugar and prevent type 2 diabetes, how to understand the results of blood tests that can tell you if you're at risk (fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C).

CDC风险测试 看看你是否有危险.

1.3: What Is the DPP Study?

在这个视频中, you'll learn about the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) research study and how its results have shown that lifestyle changes are the most effective way to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. Those with Prediabetes can significantly reduce their risk of developing diabetes by taking small steps to increase activity, 吃的更健康, 减肥.


If you have Prediabetes, you can take steps to reverse or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. Learn about what you can do to create a healthier lifestyle today by taking a deeper dive into our recommendations for establishing a healthy eating plan and increasing your physical activity.

1.5 .目标设定和其他资源

这个视频将大发娱乐你设置三个S.M.A.R.T. (S具体, Measurable, Attainable, R《, Timely) goals for the healthy lifestyle habits that you want to start. 下载 S.M.A.R.T. 目标讲义 大发娱乐你记录你的目标, establish a plan, track your progress. You'll also learn about additional resources available for those with Prediabetes, including the 糖尿病预防计划(DPP) 还有注册营养师的支持 斯卡格斯病人健康中心. 电子邮件 dpp@alibipub.net 了解更多信息.


在这个视频中, 你会学到更多关于健康饮食习惯的知识, 包括印版尺寸的重要性, 良好的纤维来源, 以及如何在预算内吃得健康. Following these guidelines and incorporating healthy habits into your own diet can play an important role in preventing diabetes.


Learn about the different ways that being active can positively impact your health, 包括减肥或保持体重, 预防或延缓糖尿病, 获得更多的能量. 每天至少锻炼30分钟, 每周五天, 包括灵活性, 强度, cardiovascular exercises to see the most benefits.


Let's talk about the three most common barriers people face when trying to improve their health and activity, 以及解决这些问题的一些有用的想法. No matter what may be keeping you from being active, there are steps you can take to overcome it. We'll also learn about some more useful tips to help you set goals and track your progress.

下载 S.M.A.R.T. 目标讲义 大发娱乐你记录你的目标.


Sticking to your healthy habits can be challenging, especially during the holiday season. Many social events are centered around tempting treats, making it easy to slip up. 在这个视频中, we'll talk about tips to help you navigate holidays and social events without giving up on your healthy eating goals.

3.2 .情绪化进食

Negative triggers and emotions like stress, boredom, or anger can lead to emotional eating. 在这个视频中, we'll talk about ways to cope with negative triggers while still sticking to healthy eating habits. 下载 管理触发器讲义 了解更多信息.

3.3 .管理压力

了解压力如何影响你的健康, as well as some techniques to keep your stress levels under control. 下载 正念觉知讲义 了解更多信息 and tips to help you deal with stress and other negative emotions.

3.4 .保持动力和长期目标

Motivation plays a huge role in sticking to your long-term goals. Watch this video to learn more about the importance of staying motivated. We'll discuss things you can do to avoid discouragement and help you turn your new health habits into a way of life.






















This unique one-day program offers personalized care as well as diabetes education in a small group setting. In this all-day interactive educational program our team will help you develop a personalized plan to achieve your diabetes goals and follow-up with you to promote ongoing success. Our program is designed to support individuals who have a new diagnosis of diabetes as well as those who have had diabetes for many years.


This program lasts for 12 months and covers science-based education and lifestyle changes. The program will help you to learn about healthy food choices, 把体育锻炼融入你的生活, 减肥, 降低患糖尿病的风险.


The 强化生活方式计划 looks at the components of a healthy lifestyle to get you started on your way to feeling great. Most chronic diseases can be prevented or improved by lifestyle, but a healthy lifestyle also helps immediately by improving sleep, 能源, 情绪, 和焦点. The program consists of 12 weekly 90-minute sessions and access to our gym for the duration of the program.