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治疗脚踝 & 脚痛

犹他大学的骨科医生是国际知名专家团队的一部分,他们专门从事足部和脚踝护理. 作为 academic medical center, we work to remain on the cutting edge of the latest treatments, 治疗方法, and more for foot and ankle pain. 大发娱乐的许多骨科医生也擅长治疗创伤性足部和踝关节损伤.

Our team treats all types of foot conditions in collaboration with: 

  • orthopedic surgeons with advanced training in foot and ankle surgery,
  • non-operative physicians and mid-level providers, and
  • physical therapists.

Orthopaedic Injury Clinic

If you've injured your foot or ankle, our Orthopaedic Injury Clinic 大发娱乐提供延长时间和步行可用性的运动和其他骨科损伤. 大发娱乐在免预约诊所的服务人员将治疗您的损伤,并将您转介给骨科足专科医生进行后续护理.

脚踝 & 脚痛 Symptoms


  • pain in your foot,
  • inability to walk or put weight on your foot or ankle,
  • 肿胀,
  • 擦伤,或者
  • obvious deformity.

慢性足部和踝关节损伤可能开始缓慢,并随着时间的推移逐渐恶化. 如果你的脚痛变得更严重,或者休息和活动的改变没有改善, schedule an appointment to see one of our orthopedic specialists.

woman holding her ankle in pain

脚踝 & 脚痛 Causes


  • Achilles tendon rupture (连接小腿肌肉和脚跟的厚带组织受伤)
  • 关节炎 (loss of 联合 space that can lead to pain and 联合 stiffness)
  • 骨刺 (可能由关节炎、既往损伤或长期过度使用引起的生长)
  • 骨折 (由于过度使用导致骨折或小裂缝的伤害)
  • 拇囊炎 (在你的大脚趾的下关节上形成的小骨头生长导致你的小脚趾疼痛和压力)
  • 滑囊炎 (保护关节的充满液体的小囊(粘液囊)发炎)
  • Diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage in your feet caused by diabetes)
  • 平脚 (when your entire foot touches the floor while standing)
  • 脚 deformities (脚部骨骼畸形会导致疼痛和脚趾位置不正确)
  • Severe cases of gout in foot (一种关节炎,会导致脚趾和脚踝周围的关节突然出现疼痛性炎症)
  • 跖骨痛 (pain and inflammation on the bottom of several toes)
  • Osteochondritis dissecans (由于受伤或潜在的遗传和发育因素而变得疏松或不稳定的骨头和软骨)
  • 骨髓炎 (一种导致脚部疼痛、发红和肿胀的骨骼感染)
  • Plantar fasciitis (连接脚跟骨和脚趾的厚带组织的炎症称为足底筋膜)
  • Sprains or ligament ruptures (你的脚或脚踝以一种尴尬的方式滚动或扭曲,拉伸或撕裂连接骨头的韧带后发生的伤害)
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome (沿着脚踝内侧被挤压的神经)
  • 肌腱炎 (inflammation or irritation of one of the 肌腱 in your feet)
  • Tendon ruptures (导致肌腱部分或完全撕裂的损伤) 

糖尿病 & 脚痛

糖尿病患者患神经损伤的风险更高,这可能会影响他们的脚,导致脚痛, called diabetic neuropathy or peripheral neuropathy. You may have a harder time feeling sensations in your feet, 这意味着你的脚可能会受伤或产生你感觉不到的疮. 伤口和溃疡可能不会很快愈合,因为糖尿病可能会导致流向脚部的血液变弱. 如果不及时治疗,这些情况会随着时间的推移导致感染或其他并发症.

If you have diabetes and you experience a foot injury, schedule an appointment to see a foot and ankle provider immediately.

找一只脚 & 脚踝 Specialist

脚踝 & 脚痛 Treatment


  • Bracing or immobilization  We will use braces, 靴子, 拐杖, 踏板车可以保护你受伤的脚或脚踝,在你的脚愈合时减轻压力或重量.
  • Physical therapy  这些练习将提高你的活动范围,加强你脚部的肌肉和关节. 物理治疗可以单独进行,也可以与手术和其他治疗相结合.
  • 注射  Cortisone injections to alleviate your pain.
  • 脚 and ankle surgery  Open or arthroscopic (minimally invasive) surgery to repair ligaments, 肌腱, or bones after an injury or to correct deformities. 恢复可能需要几周或几个月,这取决于你的伤势和手术的类型.

脚踝 & 脚痛 Remedies


  • RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation),
  • 非甾体抗炎药,如布洛芬或对乙酰氨基酚,
  • 活动调整以避免伤害你受伤的脚或脚踝,以及
  • a brace or bandage that protects your foot or ankle while it heals. 

如果你的脚痛是因为穿了不合脚或不合适的鞋子, getting better shoes can provide relief. Make sure your shoes are:

  • 稳定的,
  • the correct size,
  • wide enough to accommodate your foot, and
  • long enough so they don’t pinch your toes or rub against your heel.


Schedule an Appointment with a 脚 & 脚踝 Specialist

大发娱乐的 Orthopaedic 服务 拨打801-587-7109预约大发娱乐的骨科专家.

You can also get a referral to see our orthopedic specialists from:

  • your primary care provider,
  • a provider in the urgent care or emergency room, or
  • a provider at our walk-in Orthopaedic Injury Clinic.

一些保险计划要求你从你的初级保健大发娱乐提供者那里得到推荐,以便去看专家,并将其纳入你的计划. 与你的保险公司核实一下,看看你的计划是否需要这样做,如果有必要的话,请转介.

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