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What Is Gynecomastia?

Procedure Cost



*此价格为预估价格,不包括额外的程序或处方. Please consult with our office to learn your actual cost.

Gynecomastia is an overgrowth of breast tissue in males of any age. 这种情况影响的是年龄和身高在正常体重范围内的健康男性.

Gynecomastia vs. Fat

男性乳房发育症不同于由于体重过度增加而形成的脂肪. 男性乳房发育症是指由于胸部肌肉下方腺体组织的荷尔蒙变化而导致的乳房生长. If male breast growth is due to weight gain, diet and exercise changes are a better option than surgery.

Why Choose Univsersity of Utah Health?

Our plastic surgeons are all board-certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 大发娱乐的专家整形外科医生有多年的经验,为男性乳房发育症患者进行胸部手术. Additionally, our anesthesiologists are accredited, going above and beyond local and regional standards. 在U of U Health,您将在手术的各个阶段获得最高质量的护理.

Gynecomastia Stages

整形外科医生使用一个系统来对男性乳房发育阶段进行分级,以确定哪种手术最能治疗你的症状. The system uses Grades 1 through 4. 1级意味着你的皮肤下面有一堆组织,还没有伸展你的皮肤. 4级意味着组织伸出你的皮肤并下垂,类似于女性的乳房.

如果你患有男性乳房发育症,你不一定能通过这四个阶段. 乳腺组织的生长通常会持续到一定的大小,并且因人而异. It then stops and remains stable until treatment.

How Long Does Gynecomastia Last?

男性乳房发育症在青春期的男孩中很常见. 对于大多数男孩来说,这种情况是暂时的,通常在18岁左右消失. Surgery is not usually recommended in these cases. 相反,患者可以放心,增大的乳房组织会自行消失. 

When adult males have gynecomastia symptoms, the condition often stays the same unless treated with surgery.

Gynecomastia Causes

确定男性乳房发育症的病因对确保有效治疗和康复非常重要. Gynecomastia causes include: 

  • 服用副作用导致乳房异常生长的药物;
  • recreational drug use, such as marijuana or anabolic steroids;
  • gene mutations;
  • 荷尔蒙失衡就像肾上腺肿瘤引起的,还有
  • unknown causes (idiopathic).

Idiopathic gynecomastia is the most common form of this condition. 大发娱乐将检查所有可能的病因,以确定最佳治疗方案.

Diagnosing Gynecomastia

The first step is a visit to your primary care doctor. 它们将有助于确定你是否有男性乳房发育症或体重过度增加的症状. Based on your symptoms, 他们可能会把你推荐给内分泌学家或其他专家,他们会大发娱乐你确定乳房生长是否有潜在的原因. 内分泌学家将大发娱乐确定是否是荷尔蒙失衡导致了你的男性乳房发育症状. After these assessments, 你可能会被推荐给整形外科医生,以探索进一步减少乳房组织的选择.

What to Expect at Your First Surgical Consultation

大发娱乐的整形医生会收集你的健康史信息. 大发娱乐将进行胸部检查来测量和评估脂肪量, extra gland tissue, and excessive skin you have. 这个评估将大发娱乐大发娱乐决定最适合你的治疗方案.

With your consent, 大发娱乐可能会要求拍摄照片提交给您的保险公司,以探索承保范围. 在访问结束时,大发娱乐将讨论保险与自费支付的选择. 大发娱乐很乐意回答有关程序和治疗方案的任何问题.

Gynecomastia Surgery: Male Breast Reduction

男性乳房发育手术并不能保证你会有一个完美平坦的胸部. 你的病情严重程度和其他因素将决定结果. 大发娱乐的整形外科医生将大发娱乐您对手术后的情况有一个现实的认识. 

Your plastic surgery procedure will include one of the following. 

  • Liposuction  这种微创手术可以治疗男性乳房发育的轻微症状.
  • Removal of breast tissue — 在这个过程中,大发娱乐将在乳头下做一个切口,切除乳房组织. 如果你的症状只涉及尚未伸展皮肤的乳房组织,大发娱乐建议你选择这种方法. 
  • Removal of breast tissue and skin — 在这个过程中,大发娱乐会切除你多余的皮肤和乳腺腺组织. It results in additional scarring, but it may be necessary if you have excessively large breast growth. 

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Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

All three gynecomastia surgeries are outpatient procedures. They involve general anesthetic and take about one to three hours. 手术后你可以很快回家,但你需要有人开车送你. 以下是在男性乳房发育症手术恢复过程中你还可以期待的:

  • Liposuction — This is the least invasive surgery. 它会留下两个小伤疤,每个大约半厘米长,还有一些瘀伤. Liposuction takes about an hour. You will need to take about a week off from playing sports, exercising, or working at a physically demanding job. 
  • Excisional surgeries — 这些手术切除腺体组织、乳房组织,有时也切除皮肤. The procedure usually takes about two hours. 你需要穿几个星期的压缩背心,可能需要手术引流以排出切口部位多余的液体. 你需要身体上的休息,至少三到六周不要做任何运动或锻炼. You will have one scar under or around each nipple.

When to Call a Doctor after Surgery

例行的随访预约安排,以确保你在手术后康复并保持健康. 如果你在康复期间出现以下症状,你应该打电话给你的医生:

  • abnormal swelling,
  • drainage through your dressing,
  • redness, or
  • fever. 

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost

Insurance companies do not usually cover gynecomastia surgery. 你的保险公司可能会在极少数情况下,在身体上的痛苦和精神上的痛苦可以被证明. Ask your plastic surgeon for help with this. 

Gynecomastia surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure. Liposuction is the lowest cost option. Gynecomastia surgery usually ranges from $5,000 to $7,500. For the most accurate estimate, 与大发娱乐的金融专家预约咨询,让大发娱乐大发娱乐您确定最佳选择. 

Gynecomastia Surgery Risks

Long-term risks of gynecomastia surgery include:

  • losing some sensation in your nipples,
  • asymmetry in your chest, or 
  • imperfections in the contour of your chest.


Schedule a Consultation with Our Plastic Surgeons

Gynecomastia is common and highly treatable. 您的初级保健医生可以向大发娱乐的办公室发送转诊,或者您可以自行转诊. 您或您的亲人可以致电801-581-7719预约大发娱乐的整形外科医生. 如果你以前在不同的医院做过男性乳房发育手术,并且对你的结果不满意, give us a call and we can help revise the procedure.