
颈椎病vs. 神经根病

颈脊髓病 and cervical radiculopathy are neurologic conditions. 它们都起源于颈部并导致功能丧失.

  • 颈脊髓病 是由脊髓本身的压迫引起的吗. 它会在你的手臂、手和腿上引起症状.
  • 颈神经根病 (sometimes called a “pinched nerve”) occurs when a nerve in your neck is compressed or irritated where it exits your spinal cord. 这可能会导致疼痛辐射到你的肩膀. It can also cause muscle weakness and numbness that travels down your arm and into your hand.



症状 of cervical radiculopathy vary from person to person. The condition usually causes sharp, shooting pain from your neck down to your arm and fingers. Some people with cervical radiculopathy also experience a dull ache in their shoulder blade. 

The location of your symptoms depends on which nerve or nerves are involved. 



  • 是强烈的,
  • 当你移动或活动时病情会加重
  • 慢慢地或突然地来.



  • problems with dexterity (difficulty doing tasks with your hands),
  • 软弱在你手中,
  • 行走时难以保持平衡
  • 单臂或双臂麻木和刺痛.

有些人有颈椎病的经历 颈部疼痛,但这种情况不太常见.

颈神经根病 & 脊髓病的原因

颈神经根病 and myelopathy is usually caused by wear and tear on your spine—also known as degenerative spine disease. 这种情况通常影响50岁或以上的人. The most common types of degenerative spine disease associated with cervical radiculopathy and myelopathy include:

  • 关节炎,
  • 椎间盘突出,
  • 骨刺(在骨头边缘形成的骨生长物).


  • 创伤(比如车祸);
  • 肿瘤,还有 
  • 感染. 


如果你有颈椎神经根病的症状, 与你的初级保健大发娱乐提供者预约. 您的大发娱乐提供者可能会建议:

  • 非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs), 如布洛芬(Advil)或萘普生钠(Aleve);
  • a corticosteroid injection to relieve pain and reduce inflammation; and
  • 物理治疗.

Conservative (non-surgical) methods usually provide relief and return you to your daily activities. Many people with cervical radiculopathy do not need surgery to treat their condition. Sometimes symptoms go away on their own without any treatment. 


If conservative treatment hasn’t worked for cervical radiculopathy, 你的脊柱专家可能会建议 脊柱减压手术. 颈椎神经根病手术需要一到三个小时, depending on the extent of the repair and what techniques your spine surgeon uses. 有些手术是在门诊进行的. 其他的则需要住院一到两晚.

How Long Does It Take to Heal from 颈椎神经根病外科?

Nearly all patients who have surgery for cervical radiculopathy notice an immediate improvement in their symptoms. 对其他人来说,进步是渐进的. The pain relief often happens first, followed by improvements in numbness and tingling. Your symptoms may continue to get better for weeks or months after surgery. 一些患者仍然有长期的症状, 但大多数报告都比手术前好多了.


Non-surgical methods are often not effective in relieving the symptoms of cervical myelopathy. Your spine specialist will make a treatment recommendation based on your symptoms and imaging results. 如果你有脊髓型颈椎病,你可能需要 脊柱减压手术.

About 90 percent of people with cervical myelopathy have 脊柱减压手术, 但这并不适合所有人. If you have mild symptoms, your spine surgeon will suggest taking a “wait and see” approach.

The purpose of 脊柱减压手术 is to relieve pressure on the spine by:

  • removing bone spurs, 椎间盘突出s, or other structural problems that are causing symptoms,
  • 稳定脊柱,然后
  • 恢复正常的颈(颈)线.

Your spine surgeon will plan your surgery based on many factors, including your anatomy and the extent of degenerative disease in your spine. Some surgeries involve an anterior approach (making an incision in the front of the neck), others involve a posterior approach (making an incision in the back of the neck). The spine surgeon will customize your surgery to meet your unique needs and ensure the best outcome possible.


颈脊髓病 surgery can take one-and-a-half to five hours, depending on the extent of the repair and what techniques your spine surgeon uses. Most patients stay overnight at the hospital for one to three nights.


Your recovery from cervical myelopathy or radiculopathy surgery will depend primarily on whether your spine surgeon takes an anterior or posterior approach. 



    • 住院一到两晚
    • 颈部肌肉酸痛;
    • difficulty swallowing that goes away in two weeks to three months,
    • 声音嘶哑可能持续两周到两个月.

Most patients can resume their usual activities in two to four weeks.



    • 住院两到三天,然后
    • 切口处疼痛.

Most patients return to their normal activities in four to six weeks. 


你的脊柱外科医生可能会建议 物理治疗 在你 cervical radiculopathy surgery. 这可以大发娱乐你:

  • 建立强度, 
  • 改善协调、姿势和平衡;
  • 增加活动范围;
  • 减轻颈部肌肉疼痛,还有
  • 更快地恢复日常活动.

物理治疗 can begin within a few weeks of surgery and continue two to three times a week for six to eight weeks. Your physical therapist will provide you with at-home exercises. 


 你的脊柱外科医生可能会建议 物理治疗 在你 脊柱外科手术. 这可以大发娱乐你:

  • 建立强度, 
  • 改善协调、姿势和平衡;
  • 增加活动范围;
  • 减轻颈部肌肉疼痛,还有
  • 更快地恢复日常活动.

物理治疗 can begin within a few weeks of surgery and continue two to three times a week for six to eight weeks. Your physical therapist will provide you with at-home exercises.


The 脊柱外科手术 care team at University of Utah Health includes neurosurgeons, 骨科脊柱外科医生, 外科居民, 高级实践大发娱乐提供者. 你的第一次预约包括:

  • 检查一下你的神经系统症状
  • 谈谈你的病史和症状
  • 回顾一下你的 核磁共振扫描
  • x射线,如果你还没有的话. 

If you haven’t had an 核磁共振成像 before your appointment at U of U Health, 你的脊柱外科医生会给你订一个的.


Several tests help our spine specialists diagnose cervical radiculopathy and myelopathy. 这些测试包括:

Your spine specialist may do other tests to decide whether to recommend surgery and what type of 脊柱减压手术 要做. 

  • 电诊法的测试 measure the electrical activity that your muscles and nerves produce. These tests help identify the areas of degenerative disease in your spine.
  • 类固醇注射 查明哪些神经受到压迫或刺激. Your provider will inject the corticosteroid medication to target specific nerve roots in your neck. If you experience significant pain relief after the injection, your provider will better know which nerves to target during surgery.



Talk with your primary care provider if you are concerned about symptoms that could be related to cervical radiculopathy or myelopathy. If your provider refers you to a spine surgeon at U of U Health, 安排评估 大发娱乐的一位脊柱专家.