

当你从后面看一个正常的脊柱时,它看起来是直的. 但是对于患有脊柱侧凸的人来说, their spine bends 和 looks like an “S” or “C” shape when you look at their back from behind. 一些患有脊柱侧凸的人看起来像是向一侧倾斜.

人的脊柱可以向右、向左或向两侧弯曲. 脊柱侧凸 can also change both the middle (thoracic) 和 lower (lumbar) area of the spine. 脊柱内的骨头(称为椎骨)也可以旋转.

For doctors to diagnose scoliosis, a person’s spine must be curved by 10 degrees or more. But most people won’t notice anything unusual if your or your child’s spine only curves by 10 degrees. 脊柱侧凸 is usually only noticeable if the spine curves more than 20 degrees. 在这些情况下, other people may notice a shirt that hangs unevenly or a body that looks like it’s tilting over.


有些人有轻微的脊柱侧凸. 如果你或你孩子的脊柱侧凸是轻微的, this means that most doctors agree that your scoliosis doesn’t need any treatment. Still, doctors will closely monitor children who have even mild scoliosis. Doctors want to make sure that the curve in their spine doesn’t getting worse as they get older.




Adolescent scoliosis affects children 和 teenagers between 10 和 18 years old. In most cases, doctors don’t know why scoliosis happens in children. 成年人也是如此. 这被称为特发性脊柱侧凸 or adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Most adolescents with scoliosis are healthy 和 haven’t had any health problems in the past.


许多儿童将永远不需要治疗. For some children, doctors will recommend they wear a brace to keep their spine from curving more. 其他孩子可能需要 手术 to make sure scoliosis doesn’t get worse, or to straighten spines that have a severe curve.


在大多数情况下,医生并不知道脊柱侧凸的病因. 这被称为特发性脊柱侧凸. When doctors can identify what causes scoliosis, it’s usually because of these reasons:

  • 出生缺陷、
  • 的伤害,
  • 感染,
  • 异常生长,
  • 或者疾病(比如多发性硬化症), 代谢疾病, 风湿性疾病, 或神经肌肉疾病).


脊柱侧凸可以有很多症状. 最常见的症状包括:

  • 一个肩膀(或肩胛骨)比另一个肩膀高
  • 头部与身体不在一条直线上
  • One hip is higher than another or in a different position than the other
  • Arms will hang on the side of the body differently when st和ing up straight
  • One side of the back will look higher than the other when a person with scoliosis bends over

大多数特发性脊柱侧凸患者没有背痛, 腿部疼痛, 或者改变他们的肠道和膀胱习惯. If you or your child have these symptoms, you should see your doctor right away.

It’s easy to confuse scoliosis symptoms with other spine conditions or deformities. 伤口感染也会引起脊柱侧凸. Be sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor if you think you have scoliosis.

诊断 & 治疗


医生使用x光作为诊断脊柱侧凸的主要工具. x射线 显示脊椎弯曲或弯曲的程度. Doctors look at how many degrees the spine curves to determine if a person has scoliosis. Doctors will also do physical exams 和 get a patient’s entire medical history.

Doctors can also use other tests to diagnose congenital (present at birth) scoliosis, 不寻常的曲线模式, 或曲线. 这些测试包括以下内容:

  • 磁共振成像(MRI)These use a computer 和 large magnets to create detailed images of 骨头 和器官s inside the body.
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)These use a computer 和 x射线 to take horizontal pictures (also called slices) of the body. CT扫描可以显示身体内任何区域的深度图像, 包括肌肉, 脂肪, 骨头, 和器官. CT扫描比x光显示更多细节.

For scoliosis to be treated successfully, it’s extremely important that a doctor diagnoses it early.


All treatments for scoliosis try to stop the spine from curving more. 治疗脊柱侧凸的医生也试图防止畸形. 治疗方法包括:

  • 观察和反复检查Doctors often observe children 和 adults with scoliosis over many years 和 give them regular, 重复考试. If your child is still growing 和 the curve in their spine is less than 25 degrees, 你的医生会想要确保他们的脊柱没有更多的弯曲.
  • 〇戴着支架If the curve on your child’s spine is more than 25° to 30° on an X-ray—和 if your child’s spine is still growing—your doctor may recommend a brace. Your doctor may also recommend a brace if your child or teenager is still growing 和 has a curve between 20° 和 29° that isn’t getting better. Your doctor will look at how severe the scoliosis is to decide the type of brace 和 how long it should be worn.
  • 手术Your doctor may recommend 手术 if the curve on your spine is more than 45 degrees 和 if wearing a brace isn’t stopping your spine from curving more.


It can be stressful 和 overwhelming to find out you or your child has scoliosis. 在某人被确诊后, many people wonder if alternative treatments like exercise can cure scoliosis 和 stop the spine from curving more.

But it’s important to note that there’s no scientific or medical evidence showing that alternative therapies work. 一些患有脊柱侧凸的人服用特殊的维生素, 改变他们的饮食和锻炼习惯, 去找脊椎按摩师, 或者进行电子操作. But the medical community hasn’t found any evidence that these alternative therapies prevent a person’s spine from curving or reverse curving.

That’s why it’s important that you see a doctor for treatment if you think you or your child may have scoliosis.


多年来,丹·欧文斯忍受着难以忍受的背痛. 经过多次诊断, 比如以前未确诊的脊柱侧凸, 疼痛管理治疗失败, 他变得灰心了. 2018年8月, an MRI revealed he had spinal stenosis (severe narrowing caused by arthritis 和 degenerative disk disease), 对脊髓和神经施加压力.




站直! 脊柱侧凸通常出现在青春期早期,是可以治疗的. Learn about the signs, symptoms, 和 ways to literally watch your back for this curvature.




脊柱侧凸是常见的,通常不是进行性的, 和, 幸运的是, 那些有这种情况的人通常可以没有太多麻烦地生活. For some, however, scoliosis can cause pain 和 even impair function if left untreated. Learn when you should visit your physician for scoliosis 和 ways to lessen the pain.



Spinal scoliosis is a degenerative spinal disease that can cause extreme pain or weakness in the legs while walking. In some extreme cases it can even lead to a curvature in the spine that causes further complications. For many patients, physical therapy can help, but for others a 手术 may be needed to bring relief.
