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哮喘引起呼吸短促, 喘息, 或者反复咳嗽, 它通常在年轻时被诊断出来. 儿科医生 辛迪·盖尔纳,医学博士, discusses the signs and symptoms of asthma in children and what can trigger an asthma attack. Dr. Gellner also addresses the popular questions of whether asthma is related to allergies and if it can be cured.

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    So asthma is a long-standing problem where people have shortness of breath, they can wheeze or they can have just repeated coughing episodes and those symptoms usually will happen with a cold virus irritating their lungs, 或者他们周围有抽烟的人, or their allergies are really bad or they've been exercising for a long time. They'll have these symptoms and the symptoms will continue there, 通常直到他们吃了抢救药, 哪一种能让肺部平静下来.


    So, if a child is having those symptoms and they're really struggling to breathe, you notice that their lips are turning blue or they can't speak in a sentence, 那是哮喘发作. That's when you absolutely need to get that rescue medicine into that child. You'll be able to tell if somebody has asthma because you can tell that whenever something happens or they're around something, 他们会出现这些症状.


    Asthma and allergies, and actually eczema, are all related. 它们三个合在一起被称为特应性三和弦, and that is because all three of them are triggered by the same part of your immune system, where they overreact to things that normally other people who don't have those conditions don't have any problems with.


    So if your child has asthma or allergies or eczema or there's a family member that has any of those, your child is going to be at higher risk for having more than one of those three.


    So asthma is diagnosed based on the type of symptoms that you have. There's exercise-induced asthma where a child can be completely fine except when they are exercising, 非常活跃, and then they're going to have symptoms and it's usually a cough and a wheeze.


    对其他孩子来说, their symptoms are fine and they just need their rescue inhaler every once in a while. 这就像轻度间歇性哮喘.


    有更多症状的孩子, have it more than twice a week and they need to use their rescue inhaler more often than we would like, 通常是一周两次以上, 或者因为他们的症状在晚上被吵醒, 他们是中度哮喘患者.


    严重的哮喘患者让大发娱乐非常害怕. Those are the ones that usually end up getting hospitalized because they need very strong intervention to stop the asthma attack.


    所以很多人问,“我孩子的哮喘能治好吗? 他们会长大吗?答案是否定的. Your child's asthma can be controlled but it will not be cured. 控制哮喘取决于病情的严重程度. 有些孩子,只需要急救吸入器. 其他孩子需要所谓的控制药物. Those are inhaled medicines that help stop the allergic reaction from starting in the first place. 一些孩子, if they also have allergies and the allergies trigger their asthma, 可以吃药吗?, which work a little bit differently and they can stop the asthma attack as well, 在它发生之前. 一旦哮喘发作, 唯一能起作用的是救援吸入器, 不是任何控制药物.

    这就是卫生假说, and a lot of people think that this is why we're seeing such an increase in asthma and allergy-related illnesses, 这就是, 之前, we were always so worried about making sure that everything was nice and clean and everything was sanitized and so our bodies weren't allowed to develop natural immunity to things normally around us.

    结果是, our bodies are more hypersensitive to things like dust and mold and irritants in the air and just lots of the different things that, 很久以前, 在消毒剂出现之前, were everywhere and people didn't have as many allergies and asthma. There are a lot of studies going on trying to prove the hygiene hypothesis; nothing is hard and fast yet. We don't know exactly why there's been an increase in asthma and allergies recently. We just know that there is a trend and it's one that we want to make sure that we can manage.


    准妈妈们, there's a lot of information out on the Internet about things that you can do to prevent your child from becoming asthmatic or having allergies. Honestly, genetics plays the biggest role and I would ask your OBGYN for any further information. 但很多信息都只是理论. 这背后并没有太多的科学依据.

    You want to make sure that your child's asthma is well controlled because if it's not, 你的孩子会感觉不太好. So the best thing you can do is have an asthma action plan so that if you're having any problems with your child's asthma, 你知道该怎么做, 采取什么步骤?, what medicines you need to start or increase and when to call 9-1-1 if your child is in distress.

    If your child is old enough to understand what their asthma is about, let them be in charge of their asthma to the extent that they know, 什么是哮喘, what they need to do and to be upfront with you on the symptoms that they have so that your doctor can best help manage your child's asthma.

