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Is Complementary and Alternative Medicine a Good Idea for Kids?

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Is Complementary and Alternative Medicine a Good Idea for Kids?

Apr 20, 2015

补充和替代药物最近到处都是:草药补充剂, massage, essential oils, and more. 你可能喜欢这些疗法给你的感觉,但它们对你的孩子安全吗? You might be surprised to learn that there are some risks. Dr. Cindy Gellner是这方面的专家,她会告诉你如何安全地对孩子进行这些练习.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Gellner: With essential oils, mindfulness and yoga in the news a lot, it seems complementary and alternative medicine is everywhere. But are these really good for your child? I'm Dr. Cindy Gellner,今天大发娱乐将在The Scope上讨论补充和替代医学.

Announcer: Keep your kids healthy and happy. You are now entering the Healthy kid Zone with Dr. Cindy Gellner on The Scope.

Dr. Gellner: So you hear a lot about essential oils and teas, 按摩和其他方法都可以大发娱乐你的孩子度过感冒, or the stomach ache, or sleeping. But how much do we really know about them and are they safe for kids? So although, there is no strict definition of complementary and alternative medication, 它通常包括任何不属于主流医学的治疗实践. 这指的是没有在医学院广泛教授或医生或医院经常使用的任何做法.

实际上,补充疗法和替代疗法是有区别的. Alternative medicine is used instead of conventional medical treatment. 补充医学是在常规医学治疗之外使用的. Complementary and alternative medicine also known as CAM in the United States, 随着不同类型的护理越来越被医生接受,越来越多的病人要求,这种情况是否在不断变化. 大发娱乐中的一些人比其他人更愿意接受补充和替代医学, 这就是你需要弄清楚你的儿科医生是否对它们感到满意的地方. Many of us are.

国家卫生研究院将补充保健和替代保健分为两大类, there are natural products such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, probiotics, other dietary supplements and essential oils. Then there are mind and body practices, which include acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulation, yoga and meditation. When talking about alternative medicine, the alternative medical systems include traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic which is found in the Middle East, homeopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine.

替代医疗系统将许多这些做法纳入他们的治疗中. 一些补充和替代医学实践得到了科学研究的支持, while others have not yet been fully studied. 有时,专家们有科学证据证明针灸等疗法有效,但他们对为什么有效并没有明确的理解.

那么补充和替代医学与传统医学有什么不同呢? 补充和替代医学通常以其整体方法而闻名, 这意味着医生或执业医师治疗的是整个人而不仅仅是病情或疾病. Despite the growth of the field, 医疗保险通常不包括补充保健方法.

So what are the risks of using complementary and alternative medicine? 科学研究的缺乏意味着一些潜在的问题与辅助生殖疗法有关,而且它们可能难以识别. 更重要的是,几乎所有已经完成的研究都将成年人作为测试对象. There is very little research on the effects of CAM on children.

一些疗法,尤其是草药和其他膳食补充剂,实际上可能对儿童有很大的风险. Unlike prescription and over-the counter medications, 膳食补充剂没有受到美国食品和药物管理局的严格监管. 它们在上市前不需要经过广泛的测试,也不需要达到质量标准. That means when you buy an herbal supplement such as echinacea or ginseng, you might not know what you're getting. 成分的量可能比标签上标明的多或少. The herb may not be the right plant species, or the supplement may be contaminated with other herbs, pesticides, metals or other ingredients including prescription drugs.

此外,天然并不总是等于安全,许多父母没有意识到一些补充剂实际上会给孩子带来健康问题. 某些草药补充剂会导致高血压、肝损伤或过敏反应. 例如,紫锥菊会引起季节性过敏儿童的过敏反应,桉树如果摄入可能会致命.

Parents might also give their kids much more of an herb than recommended, thinking that because it's natural, a higher dose won't hurt. There is a saying in toxicology that dose makes the poison. 不管你说的是什么物质,即使是水,太多也不好. 许多植物含有强效化学物质,大约25%的处方药是从植物中提取的. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're safe just by themselves.

Choosing a practitioner can pose another problem. 许多医生可能不太了解补充和替代医学,其他人可能选择只关注他们在培训中教授的医疗方法,可能不向使用补充和替代医学的家庭开放. Perhaps the greatest risk though, 人们是否有可能为了选择替代疗法而推迟或停止药物治疗. Relying entirely on alternative therapies for any serious, chronic or acute conditions can jeopardize a child's health.

Can complementary and alternative medicine really help? Absolutely. 对于父母来说,用一杯甘菊茶或生姜来缓解孩子的流感症状或胃部不适并不罕见. 焦虑的孩子可以在冥想或瑜伽的大发娱乐下学习如何放松,精神科医生经常建议孩子们学习这种类型的生物反馈. 按摩已被证明可以大发娱乐早产儿生长,薰衣草的香味有助于孩子入睡.

所以如果你想为你的孩子尝试补充和替代药物, 和你的儿科医生谈谈,确保它是安全的,不会与你孩子已经接受的任何传统护理相冲突. 如果你正在使用任何类型的补充或替代药物,一定要确保, please be sure to mention that to your child's pediatrician. We definitely want to know everything you child is taking, even vitamins, 因为大发娱乐想确保如果大发娱乐需要给你的孩子任何药物, 它不会与你给孩子的任何其他补充剂相互作用.

By coordinating complementary approaches with traditional care, you don't have to choose between them, instead you can get the best of both worlds.

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