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Calling All Teens: How to Deal with Cyberbullying

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Calling All Teens: How to Deal with Cyberbullying

Nov 02, 2015

随着科技的发展,校园欺凌不再局限于校园. 孩子们用手机和社交媒体以一种非常公开的方式折磨和传播关于他人的谣言. If you are the victim of cyberbullying, you can feel embarrassed, but it’s important to remember it’s not your fault. 你需要告诉别人,不管是父母、老师还是其他值得信任的成年人. Dr. Cindy Gellner在本期播客中讲述了如何应对网络恶霸.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Gellner: Dealing with cyberbullying can be tricky these days. I'm Dr. Cindy Gellner在The Scope为孩子和家长大发娱乐提供预防和制止网络欺凌的建议.

Interviewer: Keep your kids healthy and happy. You are now entering the Healthy Kids Zone with Dr. Cindy Gellner on The Scope.

Dr. Gellner: 科技的发展意味着欺凌行为不再局限于校园或街角. Cyberbullying can occur anywhere, even at home, via email, text messages, cell phones, and social media websites. 一天24小时,一周7天,可能有数百人参与其中. The effects can be devastating for the victim, feeling hurt, humiliated, angry, depressed, or even suicidal.

No type of bullying should ever be tolerated. 今天,大发娱乐将讨论如何在网上保护自己和孩子,这样你就可以应对日益严重的网络欺凌问题.

当有人使用任何形式的数字技术进行骚扰时,就会发生网络欺凌, threaten, or humiliate another person. Unlike tradition bullying, 网络欺凌不需要体力或面对面的接触,也不仅仅局限于少数证人. 任何有互联网连接或手机的人都可以在不暴露真实身份的情况下对他人进行网络欺凌.

网络恶霸可以一天24小时折磨他们的受害者,欺凌可以跟随受害者到任何地方, not even home, ever feels safe. 只需点击几下,无数人就能在网上目睹这种羞辱.

If you or a loved one is currently the victim of cyberbullying, it's important to remember that you are not alone. 多达三分之一的青少年在他们生命中的某个阶段遭受过网络欺凌.

与传统的欺凌行为一样,男孩和女孩也会进行网络欺凌,只不过方式不同. 男孩倾向于通过发色情短信或发送威胁对其他孩子造成身体伤害的信息来欺负女孩, a boy or a girl. 另一方面,女孩更常通过散布谎言和谣言来进行网络欺凌, exposing one's secrets, or excluding the victim from emails, buddy lists or other electronic communication.

在许多情况下,网络欺凌可能比面对面的欺凌更痛苦. They can feel like there's no escape from being teased. 很多网络欺凌都是匿名进行的,所以你可能无法确定到底是谁在针对你. 这可能会让你感到更大的威胁,也会让恶霸胆子更大,因为他们认为在线和匿名意味着他们不太可能被抓住.

Since cyberbullies can't see your reaction, 他们通常会在骚扰或嘲笑中走得更远,而不是面对面地与你交谈. Cyberbullying can be potentially seen by thousands of people. 电子邮件可以被一遍又一遍地转发,社交媒体上的帖子也可以被任何人看到. 欺凌的影响越深远,就会变得越丢脸.

男同性恋和女同性恋青少年更容易受到网络欺凌. If you are targeted by cyberbullies, 重要的是不要回复任何关于你的信息或帖子,无论多么伤人或不真实. Responding will only make the situation worse. 得到你的回应正是网络恶霸想要的. 所以不要让他们知道他们是如何伤害你的.

同样重要的是,你不要通过自己成为网络欺凌者来报复网络欺凌者. Again, 这只会使问题变得更糟,可能会给你带来严重的法律后果. 记住,如果你不想当面说,就不要在网上说.

Instead of responding to cyberbullying, 保存网络欺凌的证据,并将其报告给可信任的成年人. 如果你不报告事件,网络欺凌者通常会变得更具攻击性. 尤其要确保向警方报告伤害威胁和不适当的性信息. 在很多情况下,网络欺凌者的行为会受到法律的起诉.

Cyberbullying is rarely limited to one or two incidents. 它更有可能是一段时间内对你的持续攻击. 所以你可能也必须毫不留情地报告每一起欺凌事件,直到它停止. There is no reason for you to ever put up with cyberbullying.

你可以通过屏蔽网络欺凌者的电子邮件地址来阻止他们的交流, 把他们从社交媒体联系人中删除. 向互联网服务大发娱乐提供商或他们用来瞄准你的任何社交媒体报告他们的活动. 网络欺凌者的行为可能违反了网站的服务条款, or may even result in criminal charges against them.

If you are being cyberbullied, remember it is not your fault. 无论网络欺凌者说什么或做什么,你都不应该为你是谁或你的感受感到羞耻. The cyberbully is the person with the problem, not you. Remember, someone who is a cyberbully is an unhappy, 沮丧的人想要控制你的感觉,这样你就会和他们一样难受. Don't give them the satisfaction.

不要一遍又一遍地读一条信息,让自己被网络欺凌变得更糟. Instead, delete any messages and focus on positive experiences. 你有很多美好的地方值得你为自己感到骄傲. Talk to a trusted adult, see a counselor, 去看心理医生并不意味着你有问题. 这意味着你在掌控自己的幸福,做对你来说是正确的事情.

Exercise, meditation, positive self-talk, 呼吸练习都是管理网络欺凌压力的好方法. Do something fun. The more time you spend doing activities you enjoy, such as sports, hobbies, 或者和不参与网络欺凌的朋友出去玩, the less influence the cyberbully will have on your life.

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