
The Natural Journey of 围绝经期

当你在其他方面很健康的时候,你会感到身体突然温暖起来? Wake up drenched in sweat but the room temperature is chilly? Welcome to peri更年期.

You’re probably familiar with the term 更年期, but what exactly is peri更年期? 与生活的各个方面一样,你的生殖周期也有一个自然的进程. 当你的雌激素和黄体酮水平下降,你的卵巢产生卵子的速度减慢, peri更年期 typically unfolds over a period of years.

For some, it can be a matter of weeks. Others may experience symptoms over the course of a decade. Think of peri更年期 as a journey, not a destination.

围绝经期 Age—What's The Average?

Since peri更年期 is a process where symptoms ebb and flow, it may be hard to recognize the changes as they occur. 对大多数女性来说, peri更年期 starts in their 40s, but some experience symptoms earlier. On average, these symptoms last four years. The average age of 更年期 for US women is 51.

围绝经期 Happens Over Time

You can begin peri更年期 without even knowing it. As your ovaries make less estrogen and progesterone, 你的月经可能会比平时更轻或更重,或者更短、更频繁. 这种身体周期的变化通常是你进入围绝经期的第一个迹象.

Because you’re still ovulating, 你可以在围绝经期怀孕,即使你错过月经一个月或更长时间. If you’re not trying to become pregnant, 重要的是在你最后一次月经后一整年都要采取避孕措施. 和你的医生谈谈最适合你的避孕方法.

Every Woman Is Different

Not all women experience peri更年期 symptoms. These occur in varying degrees among 75 percent of all women, 但你往往会从经历过严重症状的女性那里听到更年期, such as intense 潮热, 情绪波动, 和抑郁.

Most women have minimal or moderate issues, 此外,肥胖和压力等因素也会增加出现严重症状的可能性. 在医生的大发娱乐下,你可以控制甚至减少围绝经期症状.

Diagnosing 围绝经期

你的医生通常不需要通过检查来知道你已经到了绝经期. 但在某些情况下,其他健康状况也会导致类似的症状. If your doctor is unsure about these health conditions, 他们可以进行血液测试,发现促卵泡激素(FSH)增加,雌激素减少.

Shifts in FSH hormones show that peri更年期 is the cause. 也有测试显示血液中促甲状腺激素的水平. 如果这些水平较低,甲状腺功能低下可能是导致更年期症状的原因.


In the peri更年期 stage, your hormones can fluctuate dramatically, which can make it hard to pinpoint the cause of symptoms. 月经不来或月经比平时少或短都是最初的迹象.

潮热, 盗汗, 而失眠是围绝经期女性最常见的抱怨. Mood swings, anxiety, 和抑郁 often increase as well. As your hormone levels decrease, 以下围绝经期症状可能会在绝经前几年出现:

  • 阴道干涩
  • 潮热
  • 发冷
  • 盗汗
  • 失眠
  • 喜怒无常
  • weight gain and slowed metabolism
  • 稀疏的头发
  • 干燥的皮肤
  • loss of breast fullness

这些症状来来去去,可能是由压力等触发因素引起的. No two women experience peri更年期 in exactly the same way. 把你的症状和可能的诱因写在日记里,可以大发娱乐你找到改变生活方式或饮食的方法,大发娱乐你减少不适.

If your symptoms are embarrassing, 不舒服, or disrupt your daily life, 和你的医生谈谈如何才能最好地控制你的更年期症状.

围绝经期 治疗

There is no magic cure for peri更年期, 但是你的医生可以通过处方治疗来大发娱乐控制你的许多症状, as well as home remedies. 在开始任何新的治疗之前,你应该和你的医生谈谈, including over-the-counter and herbal remedies. Some of the most common treatments include:

  • 激素疗法: Helps reduce 潮热 and may prevent bone loss.
  • 阴道雌激素缓解阴道干燥、性交不适和一些泌尿系统症状.
  • Low-dose antidepressants: Help reduce 潮热 and mood disorders.
  • 加巴喷丁: Help reduce 潮热.
  • Calcium and vitamin D supplements or other osteoporosis treatments: Aids in strengthening bones.
  • 阴道润滑剂: Increases comfort during sex.
  • Incontinence treatments:各种生活方式的改变和获得膀胱控制的医疗选择.
  • Herbal and dietary supplements: May relieve 潮热 and other menopausal symptoms.
  • 锻炼:促进心脏和骨骼健康,保持健康的体重.
  • 饮食: Helps manage healthy weight.

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Natural Hot Flash Relief


  • Try the herbal remedy, black cohosh.*
  • Dress in layers that can be removed during a flash.
  • Wear fabrics that breathe easier.
  • Turn down the thermostat or use a fan.
  • Keep cold drinks on hand and splash cold water on your face.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
  • 定期锻炼.
  • 避免辛辣食物.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Practice relaxation and meditation.
  • 考虑针灸.


Is Insomnia Really a Wake-Up 呼叫?

荷尔蒙波动在围绝经期是很常见的,它会影响你晚上睡个好觉的能力. 这些突然的转变也可能导致易怒、焦虑和抑郁的增加. 忙碌的女人, especially those juggling family and work, 可能会忽视这些症状,直到它们影响到他们的健康和/或人际关系.

If you’re consistently not sleeping through the night, it may be a wake-up call to take better care of yourself. Talk to your doctor about treatment options.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Right for You?

对一些女性来说,继续服用避孕药可以抵消围绝经期的症状. 对另一些人来说, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) provides relief well into 更年期. 替代较低水平的雌激素和黄体酮可能是缓解围绝经期症状的答案, 但你和你的医生应该首先考虑许多其他因素.

Since the risk of taking estrogen goes up as you age, 在决定激素替代是否适合你之前,你和你的医生应该考虑生活方式和遗传因素. 如果你吸烟, have a history of blood clots or stroke, or experience severe migraines, 你应该避免激素替代疗法.


在月经完全停止之前,围绝经期症状可能会来来去去好几年. 你在最后一次月经12个月后正式进入更年期.

When Should You See a Doctor About 围绝经期症状?

在围绝经期,你的身体会发生各种变化,很难知道什么是正常的,什么是不正常的. 这就是为什么在你的日常生活中,与你的医生谈谈任何引起不适或干扰的症状是很重要的.

If you experience 潮热 exclusively at night, sudden weight loss or gain, 或者腹痛, 肿胀, 或者触痛,让你的医生知道,因为这些可能表明病情更严重.

更年期 Society Certified

The 更年期 Society has certified all our providers. 绝经协会是一个领先的非营利组织,致力于通过对更年期和健康老龄化的理解,促进所有中年妇女的健康和生活质量.

Learn More About 更年期 From a U of U Health Specialist

卡米尔莫雷诺, 一个更年期协会认证大发娱乐提供者(MSCP)在U of U Health, 就更年期如何影响你的心脏健康与“好东西犹他”进行了对话.

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