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What to Expect During Penile Implant Surgery

You'll be asleep during the surgery. Once you're sleeping, 泌尿科医生在你的生殖器区域做一个切口,然后将植入物插入你的海绵体(两根充满血液的组织管,让你勃起)。. 此时,泌尿科医生会为你定制适合你阴茎的植入物.

For inflatable implants, 你的泌尿科医生将盐水储存器插入你的腹部,并将泵插入你的阴囊. 然后,泌尿科医生缝合切口.

手术大约需要45-90分钟,取决于植入物的类型和手术方式. You'll go home the same day as your surgery.

Infrapubic Surgical Technique

大发娱乐的泌尿科医师经常使用微创耻骨下手术技术进行阴茎植入. 在这种方法中,你的泌尿科医生在你阴茎上方的骨盆区域做一个小切口. 然后,你的外科医生通过这个切口置入植入物. 由于你的阴囊没有切口,你通常可以更早开始使用泵.

Follow-Up Care

Unless you have a complication, 手术后两到三周,你会去看医生做检查. 你不需要拆线,因为它们会在4到8周内溶解.

你的泌尿科医生可能会要求你在愈合过程中每天给植入物充气. 但是,等到你的泌尿科医生说它是安全的,再给它充气 follow instructions for aftercare.

How to Prepare for Penile Implant Surgery


Five Days Before Surgery

你的医生应该在术前给你开Betasept或Hibiclens肥皂. 这些肥皂也可以在任何当地药房购买,无需处方.

Follow the instructions below beginning five days prior to your surgery:

  • 用普通洗发水洗头,一定要彻底冲洗头发和身体,清除洗发水残留. 从脖子以下用水彻底清洗身体.
  • 将Betasept或Hibiclens肥皂直接涂在皮肤上,从脖子到膝盖彻底清洗, concentrating especially on your groin area, including your lower abdomen, genitals, and the front and back of your inner thighs.
  • Rinse well with warm water.
  • Do not use any other soap, body wash, 或在使用和冲洗Betasept或Hibiclens肥皂后使用洗发水.
  • 淋浴或沐浴后,穿上新洗的衣服.

The Night Before Surgery

大发娱乐的工作人员会在手术前一个工作日给你打电话,告诉你到达的时间. 大发娱乐将审查您的准备说明,这些说明也列在下面.


Call 801-213-4891 if your surgery is at South Jordan Health Center.
Call 801-585-1449 if your surgery is at University of Utah Hospital.

Pre-Surgery Instructions

  • 手术前一天午夜后不要吃或喝任何东西. This includes chewing tobacco, gum, and mints. You may brush your teeth without swallowing any water.
  • Arrange for a ride home with an adult.
  • Remove contact lenses or bring your lens case.
  • Leave any valuables at home or with family.
  • Arrange to check in for surgery at your arrival time.
  • Bring your identification, insurance cards, 以及任何适用的自付或免赔款项.

Side Effects During & After Surgery

You will be hospitalized overnight for this procedure. After surgery, 你会有一个小导管来大发娱乐你排空膀胱, 这会引起不适和带血的尿液(粉红色或红色). Your dressing may also have dried blood on it. 人们对外科手术的反应不同,但大多数男性都会出现以下症状.

Day of Procedure

  • Bruising and mild bleeding from the incision
  • Possible bruising and pain at the IV site
  • 手术部位、膀胱和尿道可能疼痛

24 to 48 Hours After Procedure

  • 肿胀和疼痛比前一天更严重
  • Possible persistent bladder and urethral discomfort
  • Possible trouble initiating the urinary stream

72 Hours After Procedure

  • Increased swelling and bruising of the penis
  • Possible pain/sensitivity of the scrotum/testicles
  • Possible pain in the lower abdomen

Surgery Risks

感染是阴茎植入手术的最大风险. 然而,只有约1-2%的患者会出现这种并发症.

大发娱乐在手术前给现代植入物涂上一层抗生素材料,防止细菌附着在设备上. 大发娱乐的团队还使用其他技术来减少术前和术中感染的风险.


  • 糖尿病,特别是如果血糖持续高
  • 修复手术或需要外科医生切除大面积疤痕组织的手术
  • Spinal cord injury

如果你将来需要做核磁共振成像(MRI),植入物是安全的. 但是你应该告诉你的其他医疗服务大发娱乐提供者你有植入物,这样他们就可以评估其他风险.

Contact Us

Call our urology clinic at 801-587-1454 if:

  • Your pain is not adequately controlled with medication.
  • You cannot urinate for more than eight hours.
  • You experience strong chills or a fever of 101.5°.
  • 你的疼痛在手术部位增加,尤其是在手术后一个多星期.
  • You have drainage/pus at your operative site or near it, 特别是如果植入物的部分可以透过皮肤看到.
  • 你不能在手术后六周让泵放气.

如果你觉得自己遇到了紧急问题,请拨打911或 go to the nearest emergency department, immediately.

Meet Our Patients

Gene Miluk

他第一次经历ED是在50多岁的时候,他认为这只是一种侥幸, which was a reasonable assumption to make. 超过一半的男性在生活中的某个时候会因为压力等原因而经历间歇性勃起功能障碍, too much alcohol, or as a side effect of medication. 

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