

白内障是眼内晶状体变厚变硬. As the lens in your eye thickens, the naturally transparent lens becomes clouded or opaque.

在早期阶段, a cataract may not cause a problem; the cloudiness may affect only a small part of the lens. However, as the cataract grows larger it prevents light from reaching your retina.

因为到达视网膜的光线越来越少, it becomes increasingly difficult to see and vision may become dull and blurry.



白内障手术 这是治疗晚期白内障最好的方法之一吗. 白内障, 浑浊眼自然晶状体的浑浊, 使视力模糊,最终导致失明.

通过白内障手术来改善视力, your doctor removes the clouded lens and inserts a clear artificial lens, 称为人工晶状体, 或人工晶体, 在它的位置.

白内障 don’t return, so cataract surgery can improve the quality of your vision for years to come.

The 莫兰眼科中心 offers the most advanced laser cataract surgery available and our cataract surgery team is dedicated to excellence in both the consultation and treatment of all types of cataracts.

Our cataract surgeons use only state-of-the-art equipment and have experience with complicated cataract surgery cases. This helps to ensure exact diagnoses and best practices in medical and surgical care.



了解白内障:病因、症状、 & 治疗


Scientists believe there are several contributing factors in developing cataracts, the first one being age; given enough time, 每个人都有可能患上白内障. However, about one in six people over the age of 40 in the US has a cataract. 其他因素包括: 

  • 吸烟
  • 糖尿病
  • 过度暴露在阳光下
  • 使用类固醇
  • 利尿剂使用
  • 某些主要镇定剂

对于列出的几个潜在原因(例如.e., 类固醇, 利尿剂, 和/或主要镇静剂), additional research is needed to differentiate the effect of the disease from the effect of the drugs themselves.


白内障 can be experienced differently by each person but symptoms can include:

  • 视力模糊或模糊的
  • Lights that appear too bright and/or present a glare or a surrounding halo
  • 夜间视力差
  • 多重视觉(i).e. 复视)
  • 褪色的颜色
  • Increased nearsightedness, increasing the need to change eyeglass prescriptions
  • 任意一只眼睛的视力扭曲

一开始,你可能没有注意到你的视力有任何变化. 白内障往往生长缓慢,视力通常逐渐恶化. Certain cataracts can even cause a temporary improvement in close-up vision, 但随着白内障的增长,这种情况可能会恶化.

另外, the symptoms of cataracts may resemble other eye conditions so it’s important to make an appointment with your doctor for diagnosis.


When diagnosing cataracts you can expect your doctor to take a complete medical history and perform an eye examination. 白内障的其他诊断程序包括:

  • 视力测验 - The common eye chart test which measures vision ability at various distances.
  • 瞳孔放大 - The pupil is widened with eye drops to allow a close-up examination of the eye's retina.

Other tests may also be performed to help your eye care professional learn more about the health and structure of your eye.


Specific treatment for cataracts will be determined by your physician based on:

  • 你的年龄,整体健康状况和病史
  • 疾病的范围
  • 对疾病病程的预期
  • 你的意见或偏好
  • 你对特定药物、程序或疗法的耐受性

在早期阶段, vision loss caused by a cataract may be treated with different eyeglasses, 放大镜, 或者更强的光照. 当这些不再有用的时候, cataract surgery is the only effective treatment available for most people.

It is important to note that a cataract only needs to be removed when vision loss interferes with everyday activities such as driving, 阅读, 或者看电视. 你和你的医生可以一起做决定.



  • 年龄 -白内障最大的危险因素可能是年龄. Although age-related cataracts may develop between 40 and 50 years old, 视力通常在60岁以后才会受到很大影响.
  • 地理位置 - Recent studies have shown that people who live in high altitudes are more at risk for developing cataracts.
  • 过度暴晒 - People who spend more time in the sun may develop cataracts earlier. The American Academy of Ophthalmology now recommends wearing sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat to lessen exposure to ultraviolet rays.



根据国家眼科研究所, 是国家卫生研究院的一部分, 白内障可分为四类:

  1. 年龄相关性白内障 ——大多数白内障与年龄有关.
  2. 先天性白内障 - Some babies are born with cataracts or develop them in childhood, often in both eyes. Some congenital cataracts do not affect vision, but others do and need to be removed.
  3. 继发性白内障 - 继发性白内障 develop primarily as a result of another disease occurrence in the body (such as diabetes). Secondary cataract development has also been linked to steroid use.
  4. 外伤性白内障 - Eye(s) that have sustained an injury may develop a traumatic cataract either immediately following the incident, 或者几年后.


其他来源, 包括美国眼科学会, describe the different types of cataracts according to the cataract location on the eye lens, 包括以下内容:


This is the most common type of cataract, and the most common type associated with aging. Nuclear cataracts develop in the center of the lens and can cause 近视, or nearsightedness—a temporary improvement in 阅读 vision which is sometimes referred to as second sight.





This type of cataract initially develops as wedge-shaped spokes which extend from the outside of the lens to the center. When these spokes reach the center of the lens they interfere with the transmission of light and cause glare and loss of contrast.

This type of cataract is frequently developed in persons with diabetes, 虽然它通常发展缓慢, it may impair both distance and near vision so significantly that surgery is often suggested at an early stage.




A subcapsular cataract usually starts as a small opacity under the capsule, at the back of the lens. This type of cataract develops slowly and significant symptoms may not occur until the cataract is well developed.

囊下白内障常见于糖尿病患者, 近视, 色素性视网膜炎, 还有那些服用类固醇的人.





莫兰专家雷切尔·辛普森, MD, offers this list of questions to ask during your cataract consultation with a potential surgeon - along with the answers you want to hear.


By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery.