

An estimated 20 million women and 10 million men in the United States will have an eating disorder at some point in their lives, 根据 全国饮食失调协会. An eating disorder is a mental health disorder that affects a person’s eating patterns and behaviors. 有进食障碍, a person is unable to eat or keep food down for a variety of reasons (e.g.比如疼痛、害怕吞咽、害怕体重增加等.) 的se eating patterns often cause mood problems and interfere with a person’s ability to function in everyday life.

Eating disorders occur in people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, body 形状s, weights. Most adult eating disorders start in childhood between the ages of nine and 17.

People with eating disorders often have other mental health disorders (e.g., 抑郁症, 焦虑, 创伤后应激障碍). 因为这些心理健康问题, eating disorders have the second-highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders, 根据 全国饮食失调协会.


在HMHI,大发娱乐的目标是实现任何形状或大小的健康. 大发娱乐专注于改善健康的行为, identifying your "set point” (a weight preset by your DNA for your body), helping you create behaviors to maintain your set point and live a full life.

饮食失调vs. 进食障碍


  • 饿了就吃东西,
  • 在不同的环境下吃各种各样的食物
  • 吃饱了还能停下来吗.

饮食失调(或饮食紊乱)与此相反. 饮食失调的人可能:

  • 对某些食物有规定,
  • fixate on food, weight, or body image in a way that negatively impacts their quality of life, or
  • 使用运动, 节食, 禁食, or purging to make up for eating “bad” foods or breaking their food rules.

有进食障碍, 一个人的饮食习惯会成为一种强迫症, which interferes with their daily life and relationships and may cause them to become malnourished. 



  • 限制性的
    • Anorexia nervosa (a person doesn't eat enough calories or a variety of foods)
    • Bulimia nervosa (a person’s body is malnourished due to vomiting on purpose, 过度运动, 或使用泻药/减肥药)
  • 暴饮暴食(暴食症)
  • 回避(挑食)
  • 避免限制性食物摄入(只吃某些食物)
  • Unspecified feeding or eating (doesn’t meet criteria of other disorders)



  • 极度限制饮食,
  • relentless pursuit of thinness and unwillingness to maintain a normal weight,
  • 对体重增加的强烈恐惧
  • distorted body image and self-esteem that is influenced by perceptions of body weight and 形状.


  • 体重和体型固定;
  • 对想象中的缺陷进行严厉的自我评判,
  • 磨损的牙釉质和胃酸造成的蛀牙,
  • 胃酸反流和其他肠胃问题
  • 误用泻药引起的肠道刺激
  • 严重脱水.


  • binge eating (eating unusually large amounts of food in a certain amount of time),
  • 在暴饮暴食中失去控制,
  • 独自用餐或秘密用餐以避免尴尬
  • 对吃东西感到痛苦或内疚.


的 exact cause of eating disorders is unknown but the following factors could increase your risk of developing an eating disorder.

  • 遗传-大多数饮食失调都有遗传因素. 例如,厌食症是家族遗传的. If you have a parent or sibling with anorexia, you have a higher chance of developing anorexia.
  • 行为- - - - - -Certain personality types are more prone to developing eating disorders. 例如, people with anorexia typically don't like to take risks and are perfectionists, while people with bulimia tend to be impulsive and often seek out new or thrilling experiences. People with both types of eating disorders tend to be harm avoidant (a personality type defined by shyness, 对不确定性的恐惧, 自我怀疑, 和担心).
  • 环境-谈论自己体重的父母, 形状, diet habits could influence a person's eating patterns and body image.


Evaluations for eating disorder treatment will likely include the following:

  • 体重史(最高体重和最低体重);
  • 饮食习惯和清单(如.g.(你在典型的一天或暴饮暴食期间吃了什么),
  • 关于食物和卡路里的观念(例如.g.(禁止食用的食物,好的/坏的食物)
  • 补偿行为(如.g.(运动量,饮食规则),以及
  • 情绪史(e).g.抑郁、焦虑等.).

An HMHI provider will then examine your eating habits and how they've affected your body. 他们会看着你的:

  • 生长图表(终生体重/身高);
  • 验血结果,还有
  • 病史.

在查看了这些信息之后, HMHI医生会做出诊断, 包括你整体健康状况的快照. Based on this, they will make a treatment recommendation that best fits your individual needs.

饮食失调治疗 & 服务

HMHI does not offer programs specific to treating eating disorders at this time. 然而, we do offer services that may be helpful in managing an eating disorder while we treat you for a co-occurring mental health disorder. 

服务包括 住院治疗门诊治疗天治疗青少年住院治疗 may be options depending on the severity of both the eating disorder and co-occurring mental health disorder.

Supplemental feeding tubes may be recommended in adolescents and placed with their parents’ collaboration. Referrals to specialized care outside of HMHI may be required as an alternative to or a transition from HMHI treatment. 

You will need a referral from your health care provider to be seen by an HMHI specialist for an eating disorder evaluation.

如果你需要紧急大发娱乐,请打电话 988 or 犹他州危机热线 at 1-800-273-8255.

的 犹他州暖线 如果你在康复过程中需要一个倾听的耳朵,也可以使用吗.


饮食失调的时间越长, 你的行为就越成为一种模式, 让改变它们变得更加困难. Early intervention for eating disorders is the best indicator of recovery and outcomes. 

儿童和青少年通常会完全康复. 一旦他们接近设定的重量, 他们的饮食失调行为, 的想法, 情绪感觉减少.

Recovery rates in adults are often lower since their eating disorder patterns have existed longer. Adults often have made life changes to maintain their eating disorder patterns, 这通常会扰乱他们的社会交往和人际关系. 还是有机会完全康复的, 但这比照顾孩子要花更多的时间和精力.


如果你担心你爱的人有饮食失调, talk to them about scheduling an appointment with their health care provider. Some people may not know they have an eating disorder until they meet with their doctor. 

如果你所爱的人需要立即治疗 HMHI接待中心 全天候开放. 如果他们的症状导致他们有自杀的想法 犹他州危机热线 将大发娱乐.



当你最需要大发娱乐的时候,大发娱乐就在你身边. 大发娱乐的专业团队接受过以下方面的培训:

  • 心理健康危机管理;
  • 预防自杀,以及
  • 情绪健康.

HMHI provides the following specialty programs and resources for you and your loved ones to prevent mental health crises and provide emotional support when needed.
