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如果你想在医学领域找到一份好工作, becoming a physician assistant (PA) might be your answer. Amid growing pressures for more cost-effective treatment options, 对医师助理的需求正在飙升. PA Jennifer Coombs discusses the many reasons why becoming a PA is more appealing than ever.


面试官: 这是目前医学界最热门的职业之一. 这是目前国内最热门的职业之一. We're going to find out what that is coming up next on 范围.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: It's one of the best master's degree you can get for jobs. 这是什么?? 大发娱乐马上就会知道答案. 大发娱乐请到了詹妮弗·库姆斯. 她一直是P.A. 做了21年的医生助理. 那个职业现在很火,很火,很火. 这是为什么??

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 我认为大发娱乐正处于一个新的成本效益世界. P.A.s provide care for patients in a very cost effective way. I like to 说 we're good in good times and good in bad times. If you want to see a physician, there's a shortage of physicians, P.A.s are going to be, I think, increasingly utilized in our world.

面试官: 医师助理存在多久了?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 近半个世纪. 医师助理来自越南战争. There was a physician who saw returning military medics and all that they could do. He had this idea maybe we could train these people that have an incredible amount of experience to help the physician and really do a lot of the work that the physician can do.

面试官: 这是一个硕士项目. 要想成为一名P,必须先获得硕士学位.A. 如果我理解正确的话. I was reading a 'Forbes' article and the salaries are pretty decent.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 薪水不错. 西部的薪水不错. 全国各地的工资都不错. 当然会有更多的项目开放. 有很多人想成为P.A. I like to joke with my husband that I can't go to a wedding, I can't go to a funeral without somebody coming up to me and 说ing hey, 我想成为P.A.,或者我有一个朋友想成为P.A.

面试官: In that 'Forbes' article median career, in the middle of your career, salaries are around $80,000. 这是真的吗??

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 这是真的,是的. 刚出校门薪水就很不错了. P.A.s have a fair amount of debt, about half the debt that a medical student will have.

面试官: 好吧. The question is a lot of people might hear those dollar signs and think this might be the career for me, but it probably takes a certain kind of person that would do well in this career. 那个人是什么人??

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 我认为,你一定要去学医. Medicine is something that is going to require long hours and is going to require someone who really likes people and really has a desire to serve people. 大发娱乐在这个行业寻找这样的人才. I think we end up finding that because people who want to be a P.A., 我经常和大发娱乐的应聘者开玩笑, you become ambassador for the profession because your family's going to 说 why do you not want to be a doctor.

面试官: 是的, sure, why don't you want to take it to the next step.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 几乎所有想当P的人.A. has to be able to answer that question and defend it to their friends and family. They 说 you're bright enough, you get great grades, you could go to medical school. 这个人必须能够说你知道吗,P.A.大发娱乐真的很高兴。. 题目问P.A.你会再做一次吗. 大多数P.A.let’你说我愿意再来一次. 学校是严格的, but you feel like you come out with a great deal of knowledge and you're ready to hit the ground running. 你在实践中有自主权. 你和尊重你的医生一起工作. 病人, for the most part, respect you and value your care. 这真是一份好工作.

面试官: 是的. The joke is a lot of physicians tend to be Type A personalities. P也是一样吗.A.S,还是更成熟一点的人群?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 绝对是P.A. Crowd通常是一群非常有风度的人.

面试官: 是的.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 是的. 人际交往能力绝对很高.

面试官: If somebody was interested in a career in becoming a physician's assistant, 除了学校和申请学校, 他们应该做些什么呢, 说, 一个在读高中的人? 或者有很多P.A.s变成P.A.30多岁或40多岁的人,不是吗? 我想,最终的问题是你该如何准备.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 我认为最重要的是准备P.A. 上学是为了获得一些医疗保健经验. I know even high schools have pre-professional training and they have certified nursing assistant training that you can get. You can go to the community college and take courses to become a medical assistant. Get in some kind of training right away so that you can get some medical experience. You've got to know that you're going to want to work with people that are sick.

面试官: 是的.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 这就是你最终要做的. That means there are going to be all kinds of people that you're going to work with. 有些人的心情不会很好. It's tough work itself, so you have to get that early experience to know that's what you want to do.

面试官: P的日子是怎样过的.A.?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: P.A.大发娱乐可以在各种环境下工作. 你可能在家庭诊所工作. In the office you're going to get there early so you can look over your charts and usually do a huddle with the medical assistants in your clinic. 你看你的时间表. Then, you start seeing patients, and your day never reflects the schedule.

面试官: 这是有趣的.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 而且,你必须能够从容应对. 通常你得同时做几件事. 我知道很多P.A.这是我在诊所看到的, 他们在接电话, 图表, and oftentimes talking to their supervising physician or one of the medical assistants. 他们好像同时在做三件事.

面试官: My perception was that physician's assistants just were in family practice, but there are also specialty opportunities for physician's assistants?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 他们是医院的重症监护医师. 他们住在养老院. 他们在神经科,泌尿科. 你可以找到P.A.每个专业都有S. That's the other thing, too, is there are shortages of physicians in all specialties. If you have a child that has epilepsy and you want to get in to see a pediatric neurologist, 几乎是不可能的. 有P.A.s working in those areas, and you might end up seeing a P.A. 这给了你访问权限. 它能让你进入大发娱乐的一级系统.

面试官: 是的, and it will give you access to a professional that could very possibly answer the question you had anyway it sounds like.

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 当然,并协调你的护理,转介给你.

面试官: 很好. Any final thoughts on somebody considering a career as a P.A.?

詹妮弗·库姆斯: 目前有187个项目获得了认证. I think you have to be able to apply to several programs in order to get in, and then the requirements are different at different programs. You have to be a good consumer of the school and what that school has to offer. At the University of Utah we have one of the oldest programs in the country. 大发娱乐的课程质量非常高. 现在大发娱乐是犹他州唯一的项目.

播音员: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. This is 范围, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.