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Aggressive new treatments for cancer may no longer include losing your hair. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is being rapidly overtaken by new 靶向治疗 that attack specific lung cancer cells yet leave the rest of the body untouched. Find out how using genetic information allows doctors to hone in more exactly on specific cancers. Dr. 华莱士阿克尔, a lung cancer specialist from Huntsman Cancer Institute, talks about this alternative treatment method that will likely replace chemotherapy.


面试官: What's the difference between using chemotherapy or targeted therapy for treating lung cancer? 大发娱乐将在接下来的节目中找到答案.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: Dr. 华莱士·阿克利(Wallace Akerley)就职于亨斯迈癌症研究所. He's a lung cancer expert and we're going to talk today about some new, 令人兴奋的, 靶向治疗, 这和化疗有什么不同, 很多人都很熟悉. 那么它们有什么不同呢?

Dr. Akerley: 化疗是一种广泛的治疗方法. 它对任何长得快的东西都有效. 癌症生长得很快,所以这是个好主意. 从这个意义上说,这是最好的治疗方法. 问题是,大发娱乐中的一部分人也长得很快. 大发娱乐体内任何湿润的膜都生长得很快. We have wet membranes in our mouth, and it might give us mouth sores. 大发娱乐的胃是一层湿膜. 大发娱乐会感到恶心. 我的头发长得很快. 化疗的时候我很容易掉头发. 最重要的是, my white cells in my body that protect us from infection grow fast, so chemotherapy can take away my ability to protect myself from infection.

面试官: Those are all the side effects you hear associated with chemotherapy. 我从未意识到这就是原因. 你失去的是长得快的东西. 你嘴里的疮,你的头发 . . .

Dr. Akerley: 还有癌症. So that's where the treatment helps in terms of treating the cancer. 它是不受控制的,它生长得很快. 它可以让癌症消失. We'd love to give a bigger dose of chemotherapy to get rid of that last bit of cancer. The big problem is, my body has parts of it that grow fast, and we can't handle it. So it's that differential between what the body can tolerate versus what the cancer can tolerate.

面试官: It's kind of a brute force attack, chemotherapy is.

Dr. Akerley: 绝对.

面试官: Unfortunately there's collateral damage, which in a lot of cases is the person.

Dr. Akerley: 是的.

面试官: 那么靶向治疗,它们有什么不同?

Dr. Akerley: 靶向治疗是一个新的领域. We actually look at cancers and try to understand what makes the cancer different from us. 在实验室里, 如果可以的话 understand what particular pathway made the cancer the cancer, 大发娱乐可以大发娱乐提供一种药物,只阻断这一途径. So now the treatment doesn't care about growing fast. 它关心是什么使癌症变成癌症. In that case we can give a treatment that hurts the cancer selectively and has a whole different set of side effects. With chemotherapy, we mentioned just earlier, there can be risks to life and limb at any time. With these 靶向治疗, there may be no side effects whatsoever. 这是神奇的. 交替, 大发娱乐的副作用可能会小一些, 通常是皮疹之类的, but nothing that's life-threatening like a pneumonia or an infection in the absence of white cells.

面试官: And do these 靶向治疗 actually do a better job of getting the cancer as well?

Dr. Akerley: They do a much better job in taking care of the cancer. 挑战在于,并非所有的癌症都是一样的. So lung cancer that I take care of was once called non-small cell lung cancer. If you listen to that word it says it's just anything that's not the small cell type under the microscope. We actually know that there are probably 50 cancers there. 现在大发娱乐至少挑出了6个, and the interesting part is those specific six cancers we used to say all behaved the same. Now that we've looked at their genes that make them the cancer, we can see that each of these behave a little bit differently.
More importantly, we have a therapy that can go after exactly what that gene is changing in our body. And the therapies aren't necessarily interchangeable, 所以有一段时间大发娱乐看着癌症说, "The book says lung cancer should get this chemotherapy.“现在大发娱乐完全扭转了这一局面. We look at the genes of the cancer and explore those, and if a lung cancer gene says take an EGFR inhibitor, 然后进行标准的肺癌治疗. But if that lung cancer says you have a melanoma gene, 一种不同的癌症, you can actually use a melanoma therapy that will treat that lung cancer in a way that has limited side effects and greater effectiveness.

面试官: 这是令人兴奋的. 这让你兴奋吗? 你曾经梦想过这样的一天吗?

Dr. Akerley: It's completely changed everything that I was taught. 大发娱乐总是被教导要按书上说的去做. What we've found now is you can let the cancer tell you what makes the cancer, 用正确的方法治疗癌症. These things were promised to us to some degree in medical school, 对我来说, 30年前, but we had no idea what tools we'd have at this point.
太神奇了. It's completely changed the way I practice, especially just in the last two years. These concepts are taking all the old dog physicians and asking us to retrain. 临床研究是大发娱乐所处的领域. We're probably trying to stay ahead by two years at any time, 如果可以的话, 在这些药物付诸实践之前. We're getting to use them in clinical trials at least two years early.

面试官: 并取得了很多成功.

Dr. Akerley: 戏剧性的成功. 比我所希望的一切都好.

面试官: If somebody wanted more information on targeted lung cancer therapies, 你建议他们去哪里?

Dr. Akerley: There are some fabulous resources at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. 癌症学习中心是一个值得去的地方. 他们会亲自大发娱乐你. HuntsmanCancer.Org是另一个基于网络的资源.

播音员: TheScopeRadio.大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学广播. If you like what you heard, be sure to get our latest content by following us on Facebook. 只需点击scoperadio的Facebook图标.com.