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A Link Between Meth Use and Parkinson’s Disease

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A Link Between Meth Use and Parkinson’s Disease

Jan 09, 2015

A recent study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence 表明甲基苯丙胺使用者比一般人群更容易患帕金森病. Senior author Glen Hanson, D.D.S., Ph.D., 他是犹他大学牙科学院的临时院长和犹他成瘾中心的院长, explains the reason behind the findings, and the implications for long-term use of other drugs, including prescription drugs.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 甲基苯丙胺的使用与帕金森病之间的联系,请看下一期.''

Announcer: 检查最新的研究,告诉你最新的突破, the science and research show is on The Scope.

Interviewer: I'm talking with Dr. Glen Hanson, 犹他大学牙科学院临时院长兼犹他成瘾中心主任. 你做了一些关于长期服用冰毒的严重副作用的研究. What did you find?

Dr. Hanson: We were interested in the dependence on drugs, such as methamphetamine and the amphetamines, 大发娱乐知道——大发娱乐已经知道很长一段时间了——它与大脑中与帕金森氏症相关的神经系统疾病部分相互作用. And from animal studies, 大发娱乐的研究结果表明,它可能会导致人类患上帕金森病, and that's what the study looked at. 大发娱乐发现对这些化合物的依赖与帕金森病之间存在联系.

Interviewer: 所以使用冰毒会增加患帕金森病的风险. How much of an increased risk do you see?

Dr. Hanson: 在普通人群中,这一数字增长了三倍.

Interviewer: 这种增加患帕金森氏症的风险因素实际上是使用冰毒的许多可怕副作用之一.

Dr. Hanson: Correct.

Interviewer: 这真的是大发娱乐所知道的第一个长期影响吗?

Dr. Hanson: It is, that has looked at a neurological piece to it. We know, in human studies, 长期使用者的某些认知功能会发生变化, 他们发现这些人的一些神经心理决定因素或因素仍然受到损害, things such as memory. 但即使是这些研究通常也只有两三年的时间, and none of them have asked the long-term question, “在安非他明使用者的道路上可能会发生什么神经系统疾病?“这些研究首次证明了这种长期效应, maybe ten, twenty years after you've had the amphetamine problem.

Interviewer: 所以也许大发娱乐可以倒回一秒钟,你可以提醒大发娱乐帕金森病是什么.

Dr. Hanson: 帕金森氏症与大脑中参与运动控制的一组相当精选的通路有关, 所以帕金森氏症的一些早期症状是颤抖, usually hand tremors, the way someone walks, their posture, they tend to become stooped.

Interviewer: 你一开始就提到大脑中有一条特殊的通路会导致帕金森病. You've also shown that, at least in an animal model, 这类药物也会损害大脑的那一部分.

Dr. Hanson: So this pathway uses a chemical called dopamine, and dopamine is a big player in mobility, in behavior, in movement. 所以有一种被选择的通路叫做黑质纹状体通路甲基安非他命或安非他命会在持续使用和高剂量使用时受损. So the same pathway gets damaged in Parkinson's. 一般来说,如果你破坏了70%的通路, then you start to see signs of Parkinson's disease.
In everybody, that pathway deteriorates over their lifetime, but most of us die before we reach that critical 70%, so the disease doesn't show up. However, 如果你服用像安非他明这样的药物,它会让你走上那条路, 20% or 30%, 这意味着你更有可能在死前达到神奇的70%平稳期, 也就是说你会得帕金森氏症,因为你之前因为吸毒而被推下了这条路.

Interviewer: 把这些信息发布出去,你希望能达到什么效果?

Dr. Hanson: 大发娱乐希望它能教育人们,一般来说滥用药物会产生长期后果, not just the amphetamines, but other drugs. 当大发娱乐开始讨论,“大发娱乐要把这个合法化吗?? 大发娱乐是否将其合法化? "大发娱乐通常不会问长期的问题. We're asking short-term questions, but we don't say, “也许在20年或30年后会出现一些东西?“这是帕金森症,很明显,但其他神经退行性疾病呢? May they also be linked? 像阿尔茨海默氏症,可能与此有关,还有其他一些神经系统的后果? 因此,大发娱乐可能需要比过去更密切地关注这一点.
Now, we focused on the abuse side. 这就把你带到了:‘那么,合法使用,治疗使用呢? 大发娱乐是否因为良好的医疗原因而长期使用药物 . . .

Interviewer: Right.

Dr. Hanson: . . . but they may be doing things, 大发娱乐是否应该看看这些数据库看看它们是否有长期的神经学或精神学后果而这些后果是大发娱乐在做短期研究时没有看到的?

Interviewer: Right, and you did make the point earlier, when we were talking, 甲基苯丙胺实际上属于一种更大的药物,叫做安非他明, of which there are many kinds, some of which are used under clinical supervision.

Dr. Hanson: Correct. Well, methamphetamine and amphetamine are prescribed. These are Schedule II drugs. But is there consequences? Is there just the dependence situation, where you're using large doses, 也许你会大量注射而不是治疗剂量, which are smaller, you're taking them orally, and we need to look at that. 我的倾向是,我认为这是有区别的. 大发娱乐在动物身上做的一些研究表明,在谨慎治疗的情况下,大脑的反应与在虐待遗弃的情况下非常不同, 但大发娱乐需要确保,当大发娱乐研究人类同类时,情况是这样的.

Announcer: 有趣,内容丰富,而且都是为了更好的健康. This is The Scope Health Sciences Radio.