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Eating disorders are commonly associated with teens and young adult women. But older, middle- aged women can also suffer from eating disorders. Dietitian Kary Woodruff talks about how eating disorders can develop in older adults and the various life stressors that can trigger them.


面试官: 当有人想到饮食失调时, they're are commonly associated with teenagers and young adults but a population that is also at risk for eating disorders are middle age women. 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中详细介绍.


播音员: Health tips, medical news, research and more for a happier healthier life. From University of Utah Health Sciences, this is 范围.


面试官: 这并不是一件常见的事情, 那个妈妈可能有饮食失调症,因为她是妈妈, 但是她可以. She can have an eating disorder and right now we have a clinical dietitian Kary Woodruff here with us. 饮食失调是真实存在的. It isn't just happening in teenagers that are looking through magazines and wishing they were skinny or like the models. 这对爸爸妈妈来说是件严肃的事?


吴雨霏: 是的,绝对 and just a couple of statistics to put it into perspective. So one-third of all admits to an inpatient eating disorder facility in 2003, 是30岁以上的女性吗. Then we also know in a recent survey they found that 15% of women ages 15 and older that exhibit eating disorder symptoms, 62% of these women reported that their weight adversely affected their life. And 70% of these women who are 50 and older were dieting to lose weight or maintain their weight. So these are really high numbers and just show how significant of an issue that this is.


面试官: You work in the clinic so you obviously see these people actually come in. 这是一件严肃的事情. 人们一直都来找这个,对吧?


吴雨霏: 是的,绝对. 我治疗的病人年龄各不相同. By no means, is the adolescent the minority or the majority of my patients.


面试官: When you think about eating disorders in middle age woman because you said it happens more in women than it does with men.


吴雨霏: 正确的.


面试官: Is it because they developed it at an earlier age in their life when they were teenagers or is it something that they've developed as they're aging?


吴雨霏: 是的. So eating disorders, the most common age of onset is during adolescence. 大发娱乐知道. So there are some women in their middle age who had an eating disorder for let's say 30 to 40 years.


面试官: 无法得到治疗?


吴雨霏: 正确的. 它从来没有被处理过. 它从未被抓住. But there are also a significant number of these older women patients whose eating disorder did develop in their adulthood and maybe even later adulthood.


面试官: 你觉得这是为什么?


吴雨霏: 是的,这是多因素的,但大发娱乐知道 . . . 大发娱乐知道有不同的基因, 生化, 人际关系, 心理危险因素, but sometimes different life stressors can result in the onset of an eating disorder such as menopause or pregnancy, 分娩, 离婚. So some of these different life events that happen later in life may be a trigger for an eating disorder. Could be some other traumatic event or just maybe inability to cope with life stressors.


面试官: So apart from how old they are when they're experiencing these eating disorders, are the symptoms the same as if you were to develop it as an adolescent?


吴雨霏: 是的. 体征和症状会非常相似. They're just more likely to get missed because there's this perception that older individuals don't have an eating disorder. So they may exhibit the same signs and symptoms but it's less likely to be identified both by a medical provider and/or by family and friends.


面试官: We keep mentioning it but it's most likely because of the stereotype that you think, "Oh, 我是个中年人. 我已经30多岁了. 我已经40多岁了. 我不应该有饮食失调." And so they feel like they shouldn't be going in for treatments.


吴雨霏: 是的. 可能会有更多的羞辱. So they may experience shame that they are dealing with what is perceived to be an adolescent issue and so because of that shame, 他们可能. . .


面试官: 就像粉刺一样.


吴雨霏: 不,肯定. Yep, and so they may be less likely to come forward as well as they just have other responsibilities. So I have patients who they may seek out treatment initially but because of other life responsibilities, they just feel that they don't have the time to address it. 所以他们也放弃了康复. 所以有很多不同的因素.


面试官: If left untreated in these middle age woman, could it be more serious as they grow even older?


吴雨霏: 是的. So I mean, an eating disorder can be a life-threatening illness. 大发娱乐知道厌食症, 例如, has the highest mortality of any psychiatric disorder and so that right there speaks to just how severe it can be. But there are lots of medical consequences to an eating disorder and the longer the eating disorder is happening, 发生, 一般来说,医疗效果会越严重.


I just think for any woman who is experiencing an eating disorder regardless of the age, to always seek out support and to come forward for treatment. 所以要考虑与营养师合作, 和治疗师一起工作, and working with a medical provider to get treatment because it is treatable. And the earlier we can identify it, typically the better the outcomes are.


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