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Let a Broken Collarbone Heal Naturally, or Not?

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Let a Broken Collarbone Heal Naturally, or Not?

Oct 26, 2018

A broken collarbone, or clavical, is a common sports injury and, traditionally, people let the break heal naturally. 但是,有时,手术是最好的保持肩部功能,避免以后的不适. Dr. Tom Miller speaks with Dr. Bruce Thomas在哪些情况下需要手术来大发娱乐治愈骨折的锁骨.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Miller: 你的锁骨或锁骨骨折了? 你需要手术治疗还是自然愈合?

Announcer:大发娱乐的专家大发娱乐提供有关您今天面临的最大健康问题的深入信息. "The Specialists" with Dr. Tom Miller is on the Scope.

Dr. Miller: I'm here Dr. Bruce Thomas. 他是犹他大学骨科的一名整形外科医生. 布鲁斯,给大发娱乐讲讲锁骨骨折的事.

Dr. Thomas: Fractured clavicles are a common sports injury, men more than women, and the treatment of it has evolved over the years. 传统上,他们中的许多人不接受手术治疗,不愈合率约为3%.

Dr. Miller: Before we get into that, 在运动场上,一个人是如何骨折锁骨或折断锁骨的?

Dr. Thomas: Usually, it's a fall to the shoulder.

Dr. Miller: Outstretched hand, that sort of thing?

Dr. Thomas: Mostly, not outstretched. 更多的伤到肩部偶尔也有钝器伤. 但通常都是撞到肩膀或侧面撞击.

Dr. Miller: Mostly seen in contact sports like football?

Dr. Thomas: 身体接触的运动,你也可以在足球和滑雪中看到. 与地面的接触通常是触点. 大多数锁骨骨折发生在锁骨轴和锁骨中部少部分发生在锁骨末端靠近肩部的地方. Those require treatment almost uniformly. 轴上的那些,不太均匀,需要处理.

Dr. Miller: So does it matter what type of an athlete you are? 在某些情况下,你是否可以考虑手术,以便早日重返赛场?

Dr. Thomas: 他们发现这肯定会影响生物力学. Traditionally, you would accept 2.在你考虑手术之前缩短了5厘米,而现在, the number is about 1 centimeter. 保持正确的长度有助于你的肩膀的位置和肩胛骨的运动.

Dr. Miller: 所以如果它不能正常愈合或者骨折之间的距离, you know, there is a gap I guess, 然后你可能会失去功能或者牺牲肩膀的一些功能?

Dr. Thomas: You could. 当你负重的时候,没有一个好的,有力的支撑,你会感到虚弱. But interestingly, 较早的文献表明,一半的骨不连患者没有很多症状. 但这可能取决于它们的活动是什么.

Dr. Miller: What their activity level is. 所以你是什么样的人会影响你是否考虑做手术. 所以我想这是一个个人的决定,你作为整形外科医生向病人解释.

Dr. Thomas: That's true. 你的需求对你是否需要手术有很大的影响.

Dr. Miller: And so how do you repair the clavicle? Do you put a plate in or do you just . . . 我是说,很明显,在肩膀上打石膏有点困难.

Dr. Thomas: That's true. And so, 硬件作为一个内部铸件,支持骨头,并保持它对齐,而它愈合. And most commonly is used a plate, 要么在锁骨的顶部,要么在锁骨的前部.

Dr. Miller: And you leave that in after the period of healing?

Dr. Thomas: 在顶部,最终骨头愈合,肿胀消失. 最上面,锁骨和皮肤之间没有太多组织. 这些都很突出,人们会用安全带或背包感觉到它们. 所以如果盘子在上面,它更有可能被移走.

Dr. Miller: 所以你会说任何有锁骨骨折的人都应该去看骨科医生讨论她需要手术或治疗的原因?

Dr. Thomas: 我认为这是一个很好的规则,特别是如果你从事高要求的运动或繁重的活动, 确保你的支撑是合适的长度,并确保愈合是重要的.

Dr. Miller: Once you fracture a clavicle, whether it's plated or not, how long is the period of healing, generally?

Dr. Thomas: It varies, obviously. 在幼儿中,它会很快,四到六周. 成人,通常6到8周,少数长达12周.

Dr. Miller: 所以物理治疗,就是肩膀或锁骨康复的任何部分?

Dr. Thomas: It certainly is. 当你固定他们或手术后,人们往往会变得僵硬. And as the fracture becomes more stable, 早期运动有助于减少僵硬的程度,并大发娱乐人们更快地恢复活动.

Dr. Miller: So generally, 在运动或工作中受伤的人, they would know if they had a fracture. I mean it's painful, it's prominent. 你可以看到这些变化,因为骨头离皮肤很近.

Dr. Thomas: That's true. 大多数时候,他们立刻就知道了,周围的人也能看出来.

Dr. Miller: So bottom line, then, 对于大发娱乐的听众来说,如果你有锁骨骨折, called the collarbone in everyday usage, but if you have a fracture, 你可能应该去看整形外科医生,评估一下,因为手术可能有助于你的康复. 有一定比例的患者会继续进行手术并取得良好的效果.

Dr. Thomas: That's true.

Announcer: Have a question about a medical procedure? Want to learn more about a health condition? With over 2,与大发娱乐的医生和专家进行了000次访谈, 你很有可能会找到你想知道的. Check it out at

updated: October 26, 2018
originally published: January 15, 2017