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Vasectomy: Before, During and After

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Vasectomy: Before, During and After

Feb 01, 2019

你决定承担起家庭节育的责任,去做输精管切除术. 作为一个男人,你对手术有些担心是可以理解的. Urologist Dr. Alex Pastuszak talks through every step of the surgery, from start to finish, to help relieve any fears or concerns you may have.

Episode Transcript

Announcer: Health information from experts supported by research. From University of Utah Health, this is

Interviewer: A vasectomy is one of the most effective forms of birth control available. 但人们自然会对这种被戏称为“剪短”的手术产生一些担忧." Joining us is urologist and male fertility specialist, Dr. Alex Pastuszak from University of Utah Health. 为了让这个过程不那么可怕, Doctor, 我希望你能给大发娱乐一个概述,从准备到程序,在这个过程中会发生什么,以及恢复是什么样子. But first of all, let's talk about the procedure itself first. So where does it happen? Where does it all start?

What is a Vasectomy?

Dr. Pastuszak: Yeah, great question, Scott. 输精管结扎术是任何人都可以做的最简单的手术之一. 大发娱乐要么在诊所做,要么在手术室做日间手术. So it's very simple.

Interviewer: All right, a very simple operation, which is fantastic. What exactly happens? Now, again, there's that getting snipped thing, which brings up visuals that I don't want to talk about. But it's nothing like that actually. It's very non-invasive.

How it Works

Dr. Pastuszak: No, exactly. 我是说,大发娱乐在你的阴囊皮肤上开一两个非常小的洞,然后把你的输精管拔出来. We'll clip it. 大发娱乐把它剪开,确保两端不会再合在一起,然后大发娱乐把它放回去. All of that takes anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes.

Interviewer: 所以实际上,准备和恢复的时间可能比手术要长得多. I mean . . .

Dr. Pastuszak: That's right.

Interviewer: 你在候诊室的时间可能比实际完成手术的时间还要长.

Dr. Pastuszak: Absolutely. 实际上我告诉男人们预算一个小时,一个半小时. 正如我刚才告诉你们的,其中一小部分实际上是花在手术上的.

Pain & Anxiety Treatment Options

Interviewer: A lot of guys think it's kind of painful. 所以它使用局部麻醉剂,这是另一个优点,对吧? You're not completely going under. 它只是在这个区域,就像你去看牙医,拔牙一样.

Procedure Safety

Dr. Pastuszak: That's right, and that's part of what makes it really safe. And a lot of guys come in very anxious about it. But we give them some medication to relax ahead of time. And like you already said, they get some local anesthetic. At the end of it, most of them ask me, "Why was I so anxious? I shouldn't have."

Interviewer: Yeah, I got you. 所以我想我有点担心在这个过程中我是醒着的,对吧? 所以我应该担心这个吗,或者你如何减轻这种压力?

Dr. Pastuszak: Not at all. 通常,男人这时候都很放松了.

Interviewer: From the medication. Okay.

Dr. Pastuszak: From the medication. But if they're not, please bring your iPad, bring your iPod, bring your iPhone or your Android, listen to some music. 而且,你知道,你应该期待有非常专业,有礼貌的员工. 如果你感到焦虑,他们也会在手术过程中帮你笑起来. We're good at that.

How to Prepare for Your Vasectomy

Interviewer: Okay. So the actual procedure, pretty painless. How do you prepare for the operation? So, you know, it only takes 15 minutes there. But what do I need to do before I come in?

Bring Tight Fitting Underwear

Dr. Pastuszak: Well, 所以你应该带一些紧身内衣或者护身裤因为你要带着你的阴囊离开你要在接下来的一周都带着它只是为了防止你的男孩跳上跳下引起任何不适当的不适. You should come in with a clean genital area. We don't necessarily require that you shave. But if you'd like to, you can do that the day of, 大发娱乐会在诊所里做任何需要的修剪. 你一定要带个人开车送你回家,因为, like I said, 这些放松药物基本上就像喝两到三杯马提尼酒.

Avoid Anticoagulants & Blood Thinners

Interviewer: Okay. So I got you. What about any sort of medications or anything like that? Do I need to worry about that before surgery?

Dr. Pastuszak: Yeah. We don't want you to be on any anticoagulants. 所以,如果你定期服用阿司匹林,我会停药一周左右. 如果你服用了其他会稀释血液的处方药, 你还应该确保开这种药的医生允许你停用这种药. But I would be off that for a week. And also fish oil. A lot of guys don't realize that fish oil is an anticoagulant. 所以我至少在手术前几天到一周内不会服用这种药物.

Vasectomy Recovery

Interviewer: What about after the procedure?

Dr. Pastuszak: 所以这将是你一生中最美好的几天,因为 . . .

Interviewer: That's what I hear. Pick something to binge-watch.

Ice the Area

Dr. Pastuszak: Exactly. No, we don't want you being a complete couch potato, but you kind of have, hopefully, free reign in the house depending your partner. We do want you to rest. No real strenuous activity for three to five days. It's a great idea to buy a bag of frozen peas. In fact, 我的一些同事在你的阴囊上烙了烙印,并把它们放在那里不足以冻住你的男孩, but just enough to kind of keep the discomfort at bay.


It really only takes a few days to heal from this. The discomfort is transitory. It'll be there for a few days to a week, but it's very minor, and you'll be back up and running before you know it. 注意,当你休息的时候,你确实想站起来四处走走. 你不想成为一个彻头彻尾的沙发土豆,因为你不想让你的腿上有血块. But sack out for a little bit.

How Quickly Can I get Back to Work?

Interviewer: All right. And how long until I'm back to work? So I get the procedure. I go home on, like, say, a Monday. When can I expect to go back to work?

Dr. Pastuszak: Yeah, that's a great question. 所以,基本上,大发娱乐不希望你在三到五天内搬动任何重物. So depending on what you do, just be aware of that, you know. 如果你在工厂工作,每天搬50磅重的箱子,做几天的案头工作.

Interviewer: Got you.

Dr. Pastuszak: If you're, you know, a corporate executive, lawyer, 只是推着铅笔或站着做手术的医生, a day or two should be fine.

When Will I Know the Procedure was Effective?

Interviewer: All right. 病人什么时候才能知道手术是有效的因为它不是立即见效的?

Dr. Pastuszak: Right. So it takes your body three months to make sperm. 所以大发娱乐只知道在输精管结扎后三个月或更长时间,输卵管被堵塞,没有精子出来. Also, 请记住,你需要射精10到20次,以便在你做输精管切除术和三个月或更长时间后进行精液分析之间清理管道.

Interviewer: 好的,最棒的是这是其中一个 . . . 这可能是你唯一可以测试其有效性的避孕措施, that's not somebody getting pregnant.

Dr. Pastuszak: That's right. That's right. And, you know, just talking about birth control, 在等待三个月的月经结束时,你应该采取第二种避孕措施.

Vasectomy Risks

Interviewer: Got you. Are there any risks I should be aware of?

Dr. Pastuszak: Yeah. 所以任何手术都有风险,但输精管结扎的风险很小. And the three main risks include infection, bleeding, 以及输精管结扎后睾丸的疼痛, or develops weeks to months after the vasectomy itself. 所有这些风险都低于输精管切除术患者的1%至2%.

Interviewer: Wow. 所以当你谈论外科手术时,这是最安全的了,听起来.

Dr. Pastuszak: Absolutely. 如果你想拥有美好的性生活,而不用担心让你的伴侣怀孕, vasectomy is the way to go.

Announcer: Have a question about a medical procedure? Want to learn more about a health condition? With over 2,000 interviews with our physicians and specialists, 你很有可能会找到你想知道的. Check it out at