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Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

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Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Dec 21, 2021

The holidays can be stressful and bring down anyone’s mood temporarily. 但你怎么知道自己得了季节性情感障碍(SAD),而不仅仅是冬季抑郁症呢? If your interest level drops, you prefer to be alone and you often pretend to be happy when you’re not, it might be SAD. Dr. Jason Hunziker 来自犹他健康大学的博士描述了SAD的症状并解释了它发生的原因. He also discusses risk factors and potential treatments for SAD.

Episode Transcript

Seasonal Affective Disorder is not the same as winter blues. Ignoring your symptoms could make the holiday season less than jolly.

I'm Jason Hunziker, Psychiatrist at the University of Utah. And that's what coming up on The Scope.

Often with the winter blues even though you're feeling down and sad, your emotions can change based on the environment that you are in. If you're watching a show that's funny or happy you can laugh, 或者如果有人给你讲了一个笑话,你会很开心,或者和朋友出去玩很有趣,滑雪也很有趣, but other times you're feeling down and stressed.

With seasonal affective disorder your mood doesn't generally change. 事物不再能让你快乐,你不再能从过去能让你快乐的事物中找到快乐. 你的兴趣水平下降了,你更喜欢一个人呆着,而不是和别人在一起. 你常常觉得你是在假装快乐,这样你周围的人就不会知道你有多难过. The difference is the symptoms last longer, they are more severe, and they impact all aspects of your life.

有时病人可以在没有任何治疗的情况下度过整个冬天,而且不会造成太大的干扰. However because this is a sub-type of depression, it can lead to more significant symptoms and problems.

这与一些人所说的“冬季忧郁”或“季节性恐惧”不同, 因为当你患有这种类型的抑郁症时,它实际上会损害你和你周围人的生活.

这可能会影响到你生活中的其他人,因为抑郁症的许多症状都包括孤立, avoidance, irritability, poor sleep, overeating, weight gain, sadness, crying episodes, all of those things which can impact your family and friends and coworkers.

The cause of season affective disorder is still not clear; however there are a few theories on how this illness comes about. 其中一个理论是生物钟或昼夜节律,它表明,由于秋天和冬天的阳光较少,你更有可能感到抑郁和悲伤.



The literature would suggest that women are at a much higher risk of this illness than men; however when men do get seasonal affective disorder their symptoms are much more severe and place them at higher risk of self harm and suicide.

Those of us who live further from the equator are also more at risk, 主要是因为季节中黑暗和光明模式的变化使大发娱乐更有风险. 如果你有抑郁、焦虑或物质使用障碍的家族史, you are also more at risk of this sub-type of depression.

大发娱乐开始看到季节性情感障碍最常见的年龄是在20岁左右. The age range generally is between 20 and 40; however depression can come at any time during your life. 如果你确实注意到了季节性情感障碍的症状你该怎么做呢? 我认为最重要的是去找你的初级保健医生谈谈, your family practice doctor, 你的执业护士或你的医疗保健大发娱乐提供者,这样你就可以得到适当的护理和治疗这种综合症.

当你意识到这些症状可能不仅仅是冬季忧郁时,你应该和你的医生谈谈重要的事情,包括这些症状每年什么时候开始. 如果你注意到每年九月你都开始失眠, eat more, have trouble moving around, that's important for your doctor to know.

看看你的病史,告诉你的医生这些症状出现了多久, if it lasts from September to December, or if you've ever been suicidal, or if you notice you're drinking more alcohol during that time, it's very important for your doctor to know. If you have family history about depression, bipolar disorder, other mental illness your doctor should also know that as well.

然后,在这个预约之后,你的医生可能会建议你几种不同的治疗方法. 季节性情感障碍最常用的治疗方法之一是光疗. Even though this treatment is not FDA approved, 有很多轶事证据表明,光疗对这种疾病有效. Light therapy is composed of a box that sits on your desk or that you can carry with you that essentially is bright light that shines into your eyes for anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours a day to help you with your mood symptoms; based on the theory that the change in the amount of light that we get every day this treatment will help improve your mood symptoms.


The holiday can be very stressful, family parties, family get togethers, 在这个时候,看到你真的不想见到的人会让你感到压力,有一个你可以去找的人谈谈这些症状对大多数病人来说是非常有益的.

updated: December 21, 2021
originally published: December 10, 2014