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Top Reasons College Students End Up in the ER

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Top Reasons College Students End Up in the ER

Aug 24, 2022

从酒精中毒到在足球比赛中冲进球场,急诊室医生 Troy Madsen, MD谈到了他认为大学生来急诊室的八大原因.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: You know it's back to school time. 你会听到很多建议,从如何学习到如何避开大一新生, 但只有在大发娱乐,你才能听到大学生最终进入急诊室的八个原因.

We're here with Dr. 大发娱乐的急诊医生特洛伊·马德森说. 哪八件事能让一个大学新生或任何一个大学生失望, for that matter, in the emergency room? Some are obvious, some aren't.

Dr. Madsen: That's right. Yeah. Some, you know, right off the top of your head, you're going to think, yeah, this is going to land you in the ER. 最明显的,最简单的就是喝醉然后昏倒.

Interviewer: Number one, getting drunk.

Dr. Madsen: Number one. Yeah, we certainly see that. People pass out. They're not responding. Their friends bring them to the ER. You don't want to do that. Don't want to end up in the ER drunk. This can be a very serious thing. 我总是担心那些喝得烂醉的人会把呕吐物吸进肺里. So that gets very concerning. And then alcohol poisoning, 这就意味着他们受这个影响太大了, 他们没有回应,这会导致一些非常严重的问题.

Interviewer: Okay. 所以即使大发娱乐嘲笑它,这是显而易见的,这是一个非常严重的问题.

Dr. Madsen: Absolutely.

Interviewer: All right. 第二,为什么一个大学生最终会进急诊室.

Dr. Madsen: 那么,第二点,让大发娱乐试着在大发娱乐保持明显,所以药物.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Madsen: 大发娱乐确实看到很多处方药滥用,奥施康定,羟考酮. There are also illegal drugs. 不管出于什么原因,冰毒似乎是犹他州的首选毒品. I don't quite understand it. 服用冰毒的人看起来非常痛苦,但大发娱乐确实看到了很多. So keep it simple, don't do drugs.

Along with drugs, you know, 另一个问题是你应该使用某些药物, and these are prescription drugs. A lot of the other reason we see people, 去急诊室的学生是因为他们离开了家, they feel independent, 他们没有父母照看他们, they stop taking their medications. 这些可能是治疗糖尿病,哮喘,精神疾病的药物. 然后他们开始出现一些并发症和问题,并最终在急诊室.

Interviewer: 第三,一个大学生最终可能会进急诊室的原因.

Dr. Madsen: So let's hope there's a reason to do this, this season for the Utes, but this is rushing the football field.

Interviewer: Are you serious?

Dr. Madsen: We see this quite often.

Interviewer: Really?

Dr. Madsen: Students, yeah, they rush the field, they flip over the guardrails, right there by the field, fall forward on their forearms. 我曾见过几个学生双臂前臂骨折, and that's a miserable situation to be in. 当你的双臂都打上石膏的时候,我就不去讨论这个问题了. 但这不是一个好情况,如果发生在你身上,你将需要在家里大发娱乐完成基本的任务. 所以不要冲到场地上,把车把掀翻.

Interviewer: 大学生最终可能会进急诊室的八个原因,第四点.

Dr. Madsen: So number four is food poisoning. And this is one of these things where, you know, we're not always sure what caused it, 但我经常看到大学生来的时候感到恶心, vomiting, feeling miserable, and they clearly tell me, "Hey, I saw something sitting out on the counter, in the kitchen of my apartment or the dorm room, and I was hungry and I ate it.“所以,总是很难知道是什么引起的,但要小心那些古老的食物. 我知道这很诱人,尤其是当你没有很多钱的时候.

Interviewer: 放了8个小时的披萨可能没有你想象的那么便宜.

Dr. Madsen: Yeah, it might not be the best idea.

Interviewer: Number five.

Dr. Madsen: The next issue is a very serious one, 这是大发娱乐经常在大学生身上看到的, and that's psychiatric illness. There's a lot of stress in college. People get away from home. 很多人以前可能从未被诊断出患有精神分裂症, 这是他们第一次精神崩溃, 他们从什么时候开始产生幻觉. So be very careful and be aware. Keep an eye on your friends. 如果他们行为怪异,一定要为他们寻求大发娱乐. 如果你只是觉得被大学压垮了,压力很大,保持平衡. 你知道,在你的生活中寻找平衡,不要害怕寻求大发娱乐. 在大学里,学生健康中心有很多可利用的资源. 一定要和他们谈谈,在事情变得太晚或太严重之前寻求大发娱乐.

Interviewer: And nothing to be ashamed of.

Dr. Madsen: Absolutely not. Nothing to be ashamed of. 大发娱乐经常看到这种情况,有时你只是需要一点大发娱乐.

Interviewer: 不然你怎么能以大学生的身份进急诊室呢,6号.

Dr. Madsen: 下一件事是,你知道,有时候我觉得 . . . I don't know. Maybe we think we live in the state of Utah, this isn't such a big issue, 但大发娱乐确实看到很多性传播疾病, 淋病和衣原体是大发娱乐主要看到的两种疾病. 它确实存在,大发娱乐经常看到它,这是一件严肃的事情. Especially in females, this can lead to chronic problems, 腹部可能有严重感染, problems down the road having children, even death, if a disease were to progress far enough. So be safe, be careful.

Interviewer: Number seven.

Dr. Madsen: So number seven. So this is something, you know, 你会很惊讶,我不知道人们会怎么想, 但大发娱乐经常会在不同的孔里看到不同的东西. I will not get into details here, but let me just tell you, first of all, 你不用告诉大发娱乐你滑倒在上面了. We know what happened. 你知道,所以要诚实,但要小心. Again . . .

Interviewer: More importantly, maybe just don't do it.

Dr. Madsen: Just don't do it.

Interviewer: All right. 最后,第八,为什么一个大学生可能会在急诊室结束.

Dr. Madsen: So finally is finals week.

Interviewer: Really?

Dr. Madsen: Finals week is . . .

Interviewer: How so?

Dr. Madsen: . . . notoriously bad for students in the ER. Lots of students with lots of vague symptoms, usually nothing coming up on any testing, but every one of them wants an excuse for finals. 所以,如果你想逃避期末考试,也许可以试试别的方法,但是 . . .

Interviewer: Study maybe, for example, would be a way.

Dr. Madsen: Exactly. 试着做好准备,这样你就不会觉得你需要去急诊室找借口不参加期末考试了. But we do see a lot of people for that.

Interviewer: All right. Thank you very much, Dr. Troy Madison, 大发娱乐的急诊室医生, 大学生最后进急诊室的八个原因. Here's to a great semester.

updated: August 24, 2022
originally published: August 23, 2013