4 研究 Supported Steps to Begin Your Weight Loss Journey

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4 研究 Supported Steps to Begin Your Weight Loss Journey


Whether you’re trying to lose weight to improve appearance or your health, getting started can be quite the challenge. jenwood Chen,医学博士, from the University of Utah Health Weight Management Program shares four research-supported strategies to help you find the inspiration, 动机, and knowledge to help achieve your weight loss goals.


面试官: Today, you're going to learn about four research-supported steps to begin your weight loss journey.

Dr. Jennwood Chen is a member of the University of Utah Health Weight Management Program, and he helps patients that want to lose excess weight, not only for appearance but more importantly for better health. So let's talk about those four steps. What are those four steps to help somebody create some new eating habits to help them lose weight?

4 Steps to Begin Your Weight Loss Journey

Dr. 陈: 是的,是的,绝对的. So, 你知道, changing what you eat or starting any new habit is notoriously difficult, right? 我的意思是, we all are familiar with the New Year's resolutions that are broken and abandoned by, 你知道, 1月5日. And so really in looking at how people actually implement, 养成并保持健康的习惯, I think science has really identified four steps, 这四个步骤就是灵感, 意图, 行动, 和重复.

# 1:灵感

所以, so, 例如, if someone is wanting to make a healthy change in their diet, 你真的需要一个灵感. So many of my patients, when I talk to them, "Why do you want to lose this? 你为什么要减肥?“他们会告诉我的, 你知道, "I have young children and I know that my excess weight is affecting my health and I want to be around for them and I want to be able to play with them and be active with them.“这就是灵感, and that inspiration is it's what you draw on in those times where 你知道 it's going to get hard just to stay with it.

However, we know research tells us that that inspiration is fleeting. So you may be inspired today to make a change, and tomorrow you can't rely on that inspiration because you just can't feel inspired all the time. And so that's where the next step 意图. Once you're inspired, you need to set an 意图. Okay, tomorrow, I'm going to cut this out of my diet.

# 2:意图

面试官: And when you talk about 意图 and you have a patient, what are some of the first suggestions you have? I've heard like eliminate sugary drinks. If that's something you do, maybe start to eliminate those. That's like a really low-hanging fruit, high-impact sort of a thing. 还有其他的吗?

Dr. 陈: 嗯,这是绝对的. 如果有人告诉我他们, 你知道, drink a couple of cans of soda a day, 我马上就选了这个. And, 你知道, people will get pretty addicted to soda. I have patients that tell me, 你知道, t嘿 drink up to a liter of pop a day. And so that 意图 to make a change needs to be a realistic. 对一些人来说, 你知道, cutting a whole liter of soda out of their daily routine is not that realistic. So cutting it down to a half liter a day for a while and then weaning yourself off it is a more realistic thing.

# 3:行动

面试官: 好吧. 下一步是什么? 大发娱乐有了灵感和意图.

Dr. 陈: 行动. 所以, 你知道, once you've set an 意图, the 行动, and by 行动 我的意思是 immediate 行动. If you have inspiration, your 意图 is to start cutting out the soda, don't start next week. Start with the next time you are going to have a soda, that next time and just take 行动 right then. 这可能是一件小事. Yeah, I'm not going to drink the whole liter. I'm just going to, 你知道, cut out half a liter, but, 你知道, take 行动 now.

面试官: 好吧. When the inspiration is there and you're ready to go . . .

Dr. 陈: 这是正确的.

面试官: You got to cash in on those deals, right.

Dr. 陈: 完全正确.

# 4:重复

面试官: So inspiration, 意图, 行动, and now rinse and repeat with repetition.

Dr. 陈: 清洗并重复. 当然,是的. 所以大发娱乐知道, 平均, it takes about three weeks to really develop a "habit,“你知道吗?, and it just doesn't happen unless you could repeat these steps.

面试官: After three or four weeks of somebody doing this, 你知道, t嘿 come back to your office. What do you find that are some of the other things t嘿 can do to succeed on these four steps or some of the things that maybe, 你知道, 事业不成功的人?

Dr. 陈: I really think that, through all of this, you have to have self-compassion. And that really means that when you slip and it's inevitable, we all do. 大发娱乐都怀念去健身房的时光. 即使我说, 嘿, 我要走了, 你知道, 每周五天,7:30, 只有, 你知道, 生活就是这样,你只是错过了一天. 你不能因此而自责. You can't torpedo the whole idea just because you slipped up once.

另一方面, 在周末的时候, 当你有, 你知道, cut out a liter of soda a day for five days, 你得拍拍自己的背, 你应该告诉你的家人, 你应该告诉你的朋友, and you should be proud of yourself really. 这就是大发娱乐如何保持在正确的道路上.

originally published: March 26, 2021