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You want to learn more about protein, but after some research on the Internet, you are just confused. 你到底需要多少蛋白质? 如果你想增肌,还需要更多吗? 答案可能会让你大吃一惊. 营养师 斯泰西Wing-Gaia 讨论一些关于蛋白质和营养的误解.

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    面试官: 蛋白质是一种复杂的东西. How much should you get and what sources should you be getting it from? 你能得到太多吗?

    斯泰西Wing-Gaia 是犹他大学的注册营养师. 今天大发娱乐来谈谈蛋白质. Go on the internet and you surf for about 10 seconds and you're confused. 我到底需要多少蛋白质?

    Wing-Gaia: I'll tell you as a dietician usually the first nutrient that people are concerned about, 他们总是问的是蛋白质. 我怎样才能获得更多的蛋白质? I can tell you that it's very rare that someone does not get enough protein.

    面试官: 这很有趣. 那是多少呢?

    Wing-Gaia: Maximum amount would be about 1 gram per pound of body weight. So that would be a really very upper threshold that maybe I may have an adolescent boy that's going through teenage years and growth spurts or maybe someone with cancer that needed to put on more muscle. But most people don't need that much, probably more like half a gram to maybe .7, .每体重8克.

    面试官: 这很有趣,因为在互联网上, 你知道, 我去健身房, 我做一些力量训练, I do some aerobics stuff and it says if lifting weights and you want to gain weight you should get a gram per pound of body weight. 你是说事实并非如此吗?

    Wing-Gaia: 不,不是的. 事实上, for people who are trying to put on muscle actually one of the things that they really need to do is really increase the calories. You have to be in what we call a positive energy balance to be able to let your body make that extra protein. 我认为有这样一个神话,你吃的蛋白质越多, 你体内产生的蛋白质就越多, 哪一个根本不是真的. 如果你有过量的蛋白质, your body is going to not necessarily use it to make more protein you're going to use it to make some other things but you're also going to make some of that lovely fat that people are always trying to avoid.

    面试官: So interesting so it's not so much about the protein as it is about overall calories in that instance of wanting to maybe put on some more muscle mass?

    Wing-Gaia: 是的,肯定.


    面试官: 那么蛋白质来源呢?? 有没有更好的蛋白质来源? 我想如果你和, 我不认识举重教练、健美运动员或运动员, 必须是肉. 是这样吗??

    Wing-Gaia: 你知道事实并非如此. So it is a myth that you cannot get good protein being a vegetarian or getting plant sources. If you're trying to maximize protein certainly a lot of the research has been done on whey protein. 如果你看过网站, 健美网站, 他们讨论了慢作用型和快速作用型蛋白质. 乳清蛋白,酪蛋白,这些都是牛奶蛋白. 一个快,一个慢. So that is what most of the research has actually been on and a lot of it is showing that whey protein in particular is really good at building muscle. 但如果有人不想吃动物制品, soy is a really good option and you do see some muscle building with soy as well.

    面试官: 所以大豆是很好的蛋白质来源?

    Wing-Gaia: 是的.

    面试官: 还有其他好的植物性蛋白质吗? 大米中含有蛋白质.

    Wing-Gaia: 完全. 是的.

    面试官: 每份几克.

    Wing-Gaia: 这就是你进入的地方, and the terms that have always been used have been complete and incomplete protein. What that means is that you combine plants and maybe grains. 举个例子, the beans and rice combination because they both have different amino acids the other one is low on. 把它们一起吃, you're getting all of those essential amino acids you need to build muscle.

    Do Some People Metabolize Protein Differently than Others?

    面试官: 人们代谢蛋白质的方式不同吗? 两个我, 一种能更有效地利用更多的蛋白质, 更有效地, 还是每个人都这么做?

    Wing-Gaia: I don't know if there is any research on that yet but given the things that have come out with other things, 我举个例子,比如运动. Some people respond to exercise differently in terms of their blood lipids like their cholesterol, 和甘油三酯. Some people exercise, and it lowers them, for other people it has no effect. So my guess is yeah people probably have some variability in how they metabolize protein.

    面试官: 很多人都在考虑减肥. 不幸的是,当你减掉脂肪的同时,你也失去了肌肉. 通常都是这样吗?

    Wing-Gaia: Not all of that has been explained in terms of mechanisms, why you lose muscle but unfortunately it's kind of an inevitable consequence when you are trying to lose weight. 减少卡路里摄入. 你也失去了一些肌肉和脂肪. That's why we recommend that you exercise with any kind of weight loss program. You have exercise components and then you will also see if you would look at recommendations for protein they are actually higher than our standard recommended dietary allowance for weight loss diets. 这是为了大发娱乐保留一些肌肉.


    面试官: 吃太多蛋白质会有危险吗?

    Wing-Gaia: 是的,有. So, if you're eating all of this protein at the expense of some of the other things like carbohydrates and fat then yes you are going to be low on some nutrients. Long term there is some thoughts that it could have an effect on the kidneys. You'll see one school of thought that if you have healthy kidneys it's not going to be a big deal, 你的身体可以处理这种蛋白质. 另一方面, 如果你有肾脏病史, 如果你只有一个肾之类的, 我通常建议对此要小心一点. I just don't think it's really clear but a lot of that's going to depend on the protein sources. If you're eating really high-fat protein sources that's going to affect maybe your cholesterol and things like that.

    面试官: 最后对蛋白质有什么想法吗,有什么建议吗? If there's one thing somebody took away from this conversation, what would that be?

    Wing-Gaia: If you're worried about protein, you probably shouldn't be.

