Tummy Tuck or 抽脂术: Which Body Contouring Procedure is 正确的 for You?

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Tummy Tuck or 抽脂术: Which Body Contouring Procedure is 正确的 for You?


抽脂术 and abdominoplasty are two common surgical options to remove stubborn fat from the stomach. 虽然两 整容手术 aim to make your midsection look flatter or tighter, the procedures are very different. 整容外科医生 考特尼克龙比式,医学博士, explains the differences between the procedures and which one would be best for you.

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    面试官: 如果你还在和最后一点脂肪作斗争, 这是一种斗争区域或类似的东西, 你可能会考虑做手术. 但是腹部整形手术,一个 抽脂术,这些都是大发娱乐可能理解的术语,但它们真正的意思是什么呢?

    大发娱乐在大发娱乐 Dr. 考特尼克龙比式. She's an assistant professor and plastic surgeon at University of Utah Health now. Dr. Crombie, 抽脂术, tummy tuck, what are the differences in these procedures?

    Dr. 克龙比式: 首先,a 腹部整形术 is a surgical procedure that is meant to remove excess skin and fat in the abdominal area, and can also be used to tighten muscles underneath that skin and fat. 对抽脂, 这也是一种外科手术, but it's meant to sculpt or reduce small pockets of fat that are resistant to change from diet and exercise. This can also be done on the abdominal area, but can be done in other areas of the body as 好吧.


    So 抽脂术 is a much easier recovery because there aren't as many limitations put on you. 基本上, 你穿着紧身衣, 腹部粘合剂, 如果它在你的肚子周围, or some compression like a girdle or something if it's other places like on your hips for probably four to six weeks. 而且很容易隐藏,因为它就在你的衣服下面. And you're going to have pain in those areas where we 抽脂术, but you're getting around okay.

    现在,对于腹部成形术,如果你有 full-out abdominoplasty with the muscle placation, that's a much greater recovery. Six weeks where we don't have you lift anything heavier than let's say, 一加仑牛奶, 你戴着腹部绑扎带, you have drains in place that you have to carry around with you for two, 可能超过三周, 头两周你可能站不直. And so it's a much harder recovery and it may be the full six weeks before you feel like nothing happened to you.


    面试官: 如果我是一个想做这些手术的病人, what is one of the kind of first steps I should take on my journey trying to decide which of these procedures is best for me?

    Dr. 克龙比式: 如果你的皮肤有松弛的地方, then 抽脂术 probably isn't the thing for you because if we remove the fat under that loose skin, that loose skin is probably going to just get looser and wigglier and it's probably not the thing that you're going to want to see when you look in the mirror. You're probably looking at more at having to remove that skin along with the fat underneath. So then we're thinking more of the procedures that are removing the skin along with the fat.

    面试官: 好吧. 就像收腹手术一样?

    Dr. 克龙比式: 是的.

    面试官: 如果它在那个区域?

    Dr. 克龙比式: 完全.

    面试官: 好吧.

    接受手术的风险 之前 实现减肥目标

    Dr. 克龙比式: So 抽脂术 really is to just take away areas where there's just stubborn fat that you can't get rid of, 但是你的肤色真的很好. And one thing also that I want to remind people of is that it's not a good way to lose weight.

    面试官: 你这话是什么意思?

    Dr. 克龙比式: 好吧, sometimes I have people coming in that want to use that as a way to take lots of pounds off, 但我不建议这么做. 如果你要去 减肥, I would recommend that you get to a point of weight loss where you want to be where you're at your comfortable weight. And it's a healthy way that you can maintain and that you're not struggling to stay there, 你不会为了待在那里而挨饿. 但这是你可以轻松舒适地保持的东西, then that's the time to come see us so that whatever procedure we do is worth your while, 值得你花时间, 值得你花钱. 这讲得通吗??

    面试官: 那? 是的. I like that because that's just it is if you guys remove the fat and I'm just going to put it back on. 你是这个意思还是只是 . . . 大发娱乐要确保.

    Dr. 克龙比式: 是的. 完全. If you're only partway there and then we do say the tummy tuck and then you go ahead and lose another 20 pounds and then your skin loosens up again, I'd hate to have to redo that procedure after you've just spent all this time and effort because with a tummy tuck when we tighten the muscles, that's a long time where we're not letting you do any heavy weight lifting, 你一动也不动, 你可能有排水管, 而且你可能有很多时间不用上班. And so there's a big investment of pain and suffering to get through your recovery and a lot of people don't want to go through all that again. 而且它也很昂贵. 所以你想成为一个人.


    面试官: 那's some great advice coming from a professional because someone from the outside is like, "Oh, 好吧, 它只会大发娱乐我变瘦. 这会让我看起来像我想要的样子." No. 这不是大发娱乐要找的. 这是最后一步. 正确的?

    Dr. 克龙比式: 正确的.

    面试官: 所以如果我在找这样的手术, 在找到合适的外科医生时,我的第一步是什么, 寻找合适的设施, 等.正确的程序? 这是一些我不知道的事情. 作为一名外行,我一直在记录这类采访. If I'm just someone coming in for the first time thinking about this, 选择外科医生的第一步是什么?

    Dr. 克龙比式: 当然,你可以来大学里找大发娱乐中的任何一个人. 大发娱乐的咨询是免费的,所以如果你不确定, 那么让大发娱乐来看一看, 让大发娱乐谈谈你的目标是什么, 如果你不确定,大发娱乐甚至可以大发娱乐你, if you're at a point where you're ready to take that next step or if you're still on your journey of weight loss or toning or whatever. 大发娱乐可以算出你的终点在哪里,然后想出一个计划.

