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There are many reasons children get bloody noses: allergies in the spring, 夏天和秋天会导致流鼻血, 冬天的干燥也是如此. As 辛迪·盖尔纳,医学博士, explains, it’s the frequent rubbing and blowing of the nose that can actually lead to the bleeding. She tells parents how to treat a bloody nose at home and what to do if the bleeding doesn’t stop.

Anytime your child bleeds it can be scary for a parent. Noses bleed often and it can seem like a lot of blood is coming out for a very long time.


Nosebleeds are usually caused by dryness in the nose and the normal rubbing and picking that all kids do when their noses are blocked or itchy. Some kids really blow their nose hard and that can also cause bleeding. 孩子们 鼻过敏, 大发娱乐在春天经常看到的那种, 夏天, 和秋天, are also more likely to have nosebleeds because they rub their noses and blow them more often. Being hit in the nose and other injuries may also cause nosebleeds, but usually there are other symptoms that go along with that too. Nosebleeds are extremely common throughout childhood and there is a good chance that your child will have several as they grow up.


那么怎么才能止血呢? You should be able to stop it at home within 20 minutes. 要做到这一点, 让你的孩子坐起来, 身体前倾, and if they've had any blood run down their throat from the back of their nose, 说出来吧. Swallowed blood is irritating to the stomach so don't be surprised if your child vomits it up. Have your child blow his nose once to remove any large clots. Then gently pinch the soft part of the lower nose between your thumb and forefinger for 10 minutes. If your child is old enough, teach him how and where to hold his nose.

你的孩子用嘴呼吸吗. Don't release the pressure until 10 minutes are up. You want to make sure to give it enough time to stop on its own. If the bleeding continues, you may not be pressing on the right spot. You can also insert gauze covered with Vaseline into the nostril and squeeze the nose closed again for another 10 minutes. Leave the gauze in for another 10 minutes before you remove it after you've stopped squeezing the nose. If the bleeding continues and it's been more than 20 minutes, call your 儿科医生,但同时要继续施压.


A few common mistakes in treating nosebleeds are putting a cold wash on the forehead, 鼻梁, 颈后或上唇下. 这对止住流鼻血一点用都没有. 也, pressing on the bony part of your nose doesn't help stop nosebleeds because you're not pressing on where the blood is coming from.


So how can you prevent your child from having so many nosebleeds? You can use a small amount of that Vaseline and put it twice a day to the center wall of the inside of the nose, 叫做隔膜. 用棉签而不是手指来做. That often helps heal the dryness on the inside of the nose. Increasing the humidity in the room that your child sleeps in by using a humidifier also helps. You should use nasal saline to moisturize the noise and wash away any irritants and pollens and do this every day. 如果你的孩子有鼻腔过敏, treating those allergies with antihistamines will also help break the itch-bleeding cycle. 永远不要让任何人在你孩子身边吸烟.

So when should you be worried about your child's nosebleeds? 主要是, you should be worried if the bleeding does not stop after 30 minutes of direct pressure on the nose, they happen more than four times a week but despite doing the preventive measures or they lose so much blood they're feeling dizzy. Remember, nosebleeds may look scary, but often the cause isn't.
