How to Make Your Child Comfortable While They Recover From the Flu

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How to Make Your Child Comfortable While They Recover From the Flu


如果你的孩子得了流感, there is not much you can do except make them comfortable and wait for the virus to run its course. 儿科医生 辛迪·盖尔纳,医学博士, shares advice for making the flu as bearable as possible for your little ones. Dr. 假面讨论你的孩子应该吃的食物, 他们应该喝多少水, 他们的药物, 当他们能够回到学校.

The flu viruses change yearly, which is why people can get the flu every year. So if your child gets the flu, how can you help them feel better?


So the flu symptoms are a little bit different for everybody, 但大多数症状是发烧, body aches that are way worse than they would be with a regular cold, 咳嗽, 沙哑的声音, 喉咙痛, 鼻子不通气或堵塞, and dehydration because you can't eat or drink very well.


如果你的孩子得了流感, you need to be sure to use Tylenol or Motrin to help with the discomfort or fever. 发烧 are going to be over 102 degrees with influenza. 确保 that you never give your child aspirin because it can cause a deadly illness called Reye Syndrome.


If your child has a 咳嗽 and they are over 6 years old, you can give them 咳嗽 drops. 确保, 如果你的孩子以前从未吃过止咳药, you explain to them how to suck on the 咳嗽 drop so that they don't inhale it and choke on it.

If your child is over 1 year of age, you can give them honey. Just give it on a spoon and just let them take it as often as they need to, to help the 咳嗽. 永远不要给婴儿喂蜂蜜. 它会导致严重的肉毒中毒. For babies over 4 months old and older kids, warm liquids, like chicken soup, also help.


如果你的孩子喉咙痛, 给他们泰诺或布林, and you can let them suck on hard candies if they're old enough, or you can also use those warm liquids to help with the 喉咙痛. You can also give cold things like popsicles and soft things like yogurt to help with the 喉咙痛. 这也有助于保持水分.


For a stuffy or blocked nose, the best thing you can do is give them nasal saline drops. You can have them use the saline drops up to four times a day. 更重要的是, you're actually going to irritate the nose a little bit too much, but use the saline that much and help them blow their nose. Use the bulb sucker to suction out the mucus in children who cannot quite blow their noses yet.

你可以不用处方就买到生理盐水喷雾, or you can also make it by adding half of a teaspoon of table salt to 8 ounces of warm, 蒸馏水. You can put 3 drops of saline in your child's nose before they blow their nose, 这将有助于放松粘液.


任何时候你的身体在对抗病毒, there is the risk of dehydration because your body needs more fluids than normal, and your child isn't going to want to eat or drink much. You need to really encourage them to drink adequate fluids to prevent dehydration.


好吧, 流感引起的发烧持续两到三天, 流鼻涕或鼻塞一到两周, 咳嗽可以持续两到三周.

Your child can actually return to daycare or school after the fever is gone and they are feeling up to it, 这意味着他们的身体疼痛控制, they're not 咳嗽ing to the point where they are disruptive to their own learning or other students learning, 它们可以让自己保持水分.


Children who are considered high risk for complications from the flu are those who are asthmatic, 谁有心脏病, 肌肉疾病, 比如肌肉萎缩症, 糖尿病的孩子, 患有镰状细胞病或肾病的孩子, 患有癌症或其他免疫系统疾病的孩子, 需要长期阿司匹林治疗的儿童, like rheumatoid arthritis (that's about the only time you should ever give your child Aspirin), 怀孕的青少年, 或者是两岁以下的婴儿, 特别是大发娱乐的早产婴儿婴儿.

If your child is having trouble breathing or is acting very sick, 或脱水, or they are in the high-risk group and you really are making sure that they're not having any complications from those underlying diseases, then you should definitely have your child seen by your pediatrician.

Be sure to keep your child free from as many viruses as they can by practicing good hand hygiene, 尽量让他们保持健康, 确保他们吃水果和蔬菜, 如果你的孩子真的生病了, keep them comfortable and know when to call your doctor.

