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What Are Weight Loss Medications?

Weight loss medications, sometimes also called weight loss drugs or anti-obesity medications, are prescription drugs that reduce your appetite and food cravings. Over the last few years, FDA已经批准了一些大发娱乐控制食欲和对食物渴望的抗肥胖药物.

Because weight loss drugs make you less hungry, they also reduce how many calories your body takes in each day. Over time, eating fewer calories will cause you to lose weight.

一些抗肥胖药物也有助于减少食欲和控制强迫性饮食, especially for sweets and fatty, salty, high-calorie foods.

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What Do Doctors Prescribe for Weight Loss?

FDA-approved weight loss medications include the following:

  • Phentermine (Adipex, Lomaira)
  • Phentermine/topiramate ER (Qsymia)
  • Naltrexone/buproprion HCL (Contrave)
  • Liraglutide (Saxenda)
  • Semaglutide (Wegrovy)
  • Tirzeptide (Zepbound)

Phentermine is a pill you take by mouth. It's a stimulant that has similar effects to amphetamines. It's an appetite supressant and has been on the market since the 1970s.

Topiramate/topomax is a pill that helps manage binge eating and encourage weight loss. Topiramate is an anticonvulsant drug, which means it belongs to a class of drugs that help treat seizures. You should take a low dose of this medicine. Some people also use it to prevent migraines.

Contrave (also called naltrexone HCL or bupropion HCL) is made up of two medications: naltrexone HCL and bupropion HCL. 盐酸纳曲酮用于治疗阿片类药物成瘾,盐酸安非他酮用于治疗抑郁症. 这两种药物共同作用,降低你的食欲,控制一些渴望.

Victoza (also called Liraglutide) is injected into your skin. 当服用一定剂量时,它有助于降低你的食欲和控制一些食物的渴望. It also lowers blood sugar levels in people who have diabetes.

Saxenda (also called Liraglutide)是一种通过降低食欲和控制对食物的渴望来大发娱乐人们减肥的注射剂. 它和Victoza使用相同的有效成分,但你不应该同时使用这两种药. 

I'm Over 65. Can I Take Weight Loss Medications?

如果你的年龄在18-64岁之间,你的医生可能会给你开减肥药. 但没有证据表明减肥药对65岁以上的成年人有效.

How Much Weight Will I Lose?

通过将减肥药与饮食和运动相结合,大多数人减掉了7磅.5—22 pounds more than with diet and exercise alone. 

Health Benefits of Losing Weight

There are also positive health benefits to losing weight. Losing just five—10 percent of your body weight will lower your:

  • blood pressure,
  • lipid levels (fats), and
  • glucose (blood sugar).


Here are some facts around weight loss and health:

  • 只要减掉体重的3%到5%,就能降低患糖尿病的几率 heart disease.
  • High blood pressure is twice as common for obese adults than adults who aren't obese.
  • For every two pounds you gain, your chances of developing arthritis go up by nine to 13 percent.
  • 你每增重两磅,就会给膝盖增加四磅的压力. Being overweight increases your chances of having knee pain.
  • Older people who are obese have lower muscles mass. This means they're more likely to fall and fracture bones.
  • 超重的人在手术中死亡或出现严重并发症的几率更高.

How Quickly Do Weight Loss Medications Work?

大多数服用减肥药的人平均每周能减掉一到两磅. Of course, 当你把减肥药和其他健康生活方式的改变结合起来,比如吃健康的食物和定期锻炼,减肥药的效果最好.

Most patients start to lose weight within weeks. 但如果你不能在12周内减掉超过5%的体重, 你的医生可能会停止给你开这些药,并为你制定不同的治疗方案.

Should I Combine Weight Loss Medications With Exercise?

当你将减肥药与生活方式的改变(如选择更健康的食物)结合起来时,减肥药的效果最好, eating fewer calories, and exercising regularly.

You will need to combine weight loss drugs with lifestyle changes if:

  • your BMI (body mass index) is more than 30kg/m2, or
  • your BMI is more than 27kg/m2 如果你患有慢性疾病,如2型糖尿病或高血压.

How Long Will I Need to Take Medication?

Depending on your health and weight loss goals, you may need to take weight loss medications for years. 因为肥胖是一种慢性疾病,FDA已经批准这些药物可以长期使用.

Side Effects

Before you’re prescribed any anti-obesity medications, your doctor will ask for your entire medical history, including any: 

  • diseases you have;
  • what medications you take now; and
  • what medications you’ve taken in the past.


Diabetes Medications & Weight Loss

新的糖尿病药物也可以大发娱乐糖尿病患者减肥. 这些药物通过控制体内的血糖(葡萄糖)水平起作用, which in turn helps people feel less hungry and more full.

如果你患有2型糖尿病,注射减肥药可能特别有用. Your body responds to these drugs by making more insulin. 更多的胰岛素意味着更低的血糖水平,这有助于控制你的糖尿病. You may need a shot every day or every week. 

These medications are called GLP1-agonists:

  • Tirzeptide (Mounjaro)
  • Semaglutide (Ozempic)
  • Liraglutide (Victoza, Saxenda)
  • Dulaglutide (Trulicity)


  • Dapagliflozin (Farxiga)
  • Empagliflozin (Jardiance)
  • Canagliflozin (Invokana)

Weight Management in the News

Good Things Utah: Healthy Habits

Dr. 朱莉安娜·西蒙内蒂(Juliana Simonetti)与犹他州Good Things的苏拉·奇恩(Surae Chinn)讨论了节日期间的健康习惯,以大发娱乐你控制体重和身体健康.

Telemundo: la obesidad y la perdida de peso

Telemundo interviews Juliana Simonetti, MD to discuss the importance of eating healthy and staying in shape, as well as the Weight Management program at University of Utah Health.

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Meet the Team

大发娱乐全面的体重管理团队在大发娱乐大发娱乐你成功减肥,并在你的减肥之旅中支持你. We can provide all the care you need, 从外科医生和医师助理到营养师,甚至是金融倡导者.

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What to Expect During Your Appointment

During your first appointment, 你的减肥医生会和你谈谈你的目标,大发娱乐你找到最好的治疗方法,这样你就可以长期保持体重.
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Why Is It So Hard to Lose Weight?

你的体重是由荷尔蒙和下丘脑神经元之间复杂的相互作用控制的. 对于大多数超重的人来说,他们的身体试图阻止永久性的体重减轻. This means your body is actually working against you to lose weight.

About Weight Loss

How Many Meals Should I Be Eating Each Day to Lose Weight?

Looking to lose some weight? You've probably heard that eating five small meals a day is the secret. What does the research suggest? 注册营养师会为你澄清关于应该吃多少餐的困惑.

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