Do I Have the Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

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Do I Have the Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

Being pregnant and giving birth make a woman’s hormones go haywire. 所有 those hormones and life changes can make a new mom feel very emotional, vulnerable and sad. Up to 85 percent of women experience the baby blues for a week or two, but if your anxiety and sadness don’t go away, 可能是产后抑郁症. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones talks about how to help yourself feel better and bond with your new baby.


Dr. 琼斯: Your baby smiles and her whole little face lights up, but you can't smile back. 什么是错的? Is it the baby blues or something more serious? 这是博士. Kirtly Jones from Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Utah Health Care and we're talking about postpartum depression today on 范围.

播音员: 涵盖妇女健康的所有方面. This is the Seven Domains of Women's Health with Dr. Kirtly Jones在Scope上报道.

Dr. 琼斯: The birth of a child rewires a woman's brain for maternal behavior. There are huge shifts in the hormonal environment from pregnancy to the postpartum state, breastfeeding turns on the bonding hormone, 催产素, and adds some sleep deprivation in a world turned upside down and it's no wonder that women can experience a roller coaster of emotions. What are the baby blues and what is postpartum depression, 一个女人能做什么呢, 她的家人也在寻求大发娱乐?

好吧,让大发娱乐从婴儿忧郁开始. Seventy-five to 80% of new moms experience some emotional upheavals in the first couple of weeks after the birth of a child. 这是常见的. 很难对新妈妈们进行研究. No prospective randomized trials, and we don't have any great animal models for the baby blues, rats. But we do know that a big change in pregnancy hormones and a drop in the levels of endorphins that got a woman through her labor and delivery might be part of the reason that women experience the following: weeping and bursting into tears, 突然的情绪波动, anxiousness and hypersensitivity to criticism . . . 谁会批评一个新妈妈呢? Low sprits and irritability, poor concentration, and indecisiveness, feeling unbonded with the baby.

I remember wondering when my new baby's mother was going to show up, myself. The baby blues happened in the first couple of weeks after delivery and don't last more than a couple of weeks, 通常只有几天. This is the time where family should be around helping the new mom get settled and get as much rest as possible with the new baby. Women without family or partner support may struggle and good news is that it happens to most women and it gets better in about a week or so.

When is the time that baby blues is possibly postpartum depression? If the anxiety and sadness continue the first couple of weeks and gets worse, this is more likely postpartum depression. Postpartum depression affects 8 to 15% of women, about one in eight. 症状与抑郁症相似, 在一般情况下, 极度疲劳或失去精力, 严重的情绪波动, 远离家人和朋友, reduced interest in activities you used to enjoy, 无价值感, 羞愧, 内疚或不足. This list makes me sad just to say it out loud.

Where baby blues are common and short-lived, postpartum could go on for months and it should be recognized and treated for the sake of the mom and the baby. The women who experience postpartum depression may not even know what's happening. Families and partners need to be aware that the new mom's in trouble. Treatment is very helpful and can include talk therapy with a psychological therapist and medication can be important. Women who realize they don't feel well emotionally should call their doctors or midwives, or pediatricians and they can be referred appropriately.

There's one other postpartum psychological problem that is a medical emergency. Postpartum psychosis is very rare but serious disease that can develop within the early weeks after childbirth that's marked by a loss of contact with reality. 女人可能会产生幻觉, hearing or seeing things that aren't real that say bad things about them or their baby, they may have delusions about themselves or their babies that are paranoid or irrational, they may show extreme agitation or anxiety, they may have thoughts of harming themselves or their babies.

This is a devastating condition for the new mom and the family and needs immediate medical care. New mom showing these problems should be brought to the medical care right away and often need to be hospitalized to protect themselves and their babies. The good news is that we're better at recognizing and treating women with postpartum mood disorders. We need to get the word out so that women and their families, 寻求大发娱乐是可以的, 他们会感觉更好. So let's all go smile and talk to that little baby and thanks for joining us on 范围.

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